She was also one of the first with the "VaNcE iS DeEP StAtE" narrative as soon as he was announced as VP. She's another Stew Peters type as far as I'm concerned.
Not wasting more time on the "Trump is Q+ and playing 5D chess but he's also at easily manipulated buffoon" nonsense that comes from some of you doompillers. Also Trump and Theil go back much further than Vance and Theil so where was your dooming back then?
No, she doesnt say that. She said vances connections and biggest donors are dangerous cia connected people and to be wary. She isnt wrong. You are welcome to try to disprove any of her welk referenced and documented claims
No way! This is typical Trump is a dictator BS.
See response to other similar comment. I think she's unbiased and calling it like she sees it.
She has set herself as an unbiased reporter, but is she? Remember, she can only work with what info she has eyes or ears on.
That’sa very good point. I do believe she’s looking at things I haven’t seen anyone else digging into, at least not from the same angle.
Disclaimer: I might be missing those sources, but would be delighted to add them to my list of things I hope I get to review
Explosive information.
No sauce.
"Trump loved the idea but didnt do it"
Yeah, typical BS pushed by the clowns.
She was also one of the first with the "VaNcE iS DeEP StAtE" narrative as soon as he was announced as VP. She's another Stew Peters type as far as I'm concerned.
Not being wary of known evil people is silly.
Not wasting more time on the "Trump is Q+ and playing 5D chess but he's also at easily manipulated buffoon" nonsense that comes from some of you doompillers. Also Trump and Theil go back much further than Vance and Theil so where was your dooming back then?
No, she doesnt say that. She said vances connections and biggest donors are dangerous cia connected people and to be wary. She isnt wrong. You are welcome to try to disprove any of her welk referenced and documented claims