Never forget USS Liberty. The pilots told them it was a American Ship. Easily distinguishable. Told to "Fire anyway"
4 Boats and multiple planes attack with torpedos, napalm and bombs.
The horrific attack lasts an hour and a half.
To 'make up for it' Isreal pays US$3.32 million to the 30 dead families. and $3.57 million to the 171 wounded. The real kicker though? They paid it with US Tax payers money. Attack happened in 1968 but heres a breakdown of money sent to Isreal.
Fiscal Year $ Millions, Current Percent Military
1949-1959 652.9 .06
1960-1969 834.8 30
1970-1979 16,309.2 71
1980-1989 28,052.3 56
1990 3,019.4 59
1991 (requested) 3,000.0 60
Total 51,868.6 60
1948-1958 US, reluctant to alienate Arab oil producers by selling arms directly, gives economic aid only.
1961 President Kennedy authorizes first direct arms sale: Hawk missiles.
1962 First US military aid (loans) to Israel.
June 1967 Six-Day War. Israel’s main military supplier, France, imposes arms embargo.
1968 Congress increases aid to Israel 450 percent. Military aid jumps from $7 million in 1967 to $25 million in 1968. US agrees to sell Israel 50 Phantom fighter bombers.
1970 Jordan’s “Black September” crisis; US sees Israel as means to combat
Soviet influence in Arab world, increases military aid from $140 million in 1968-1970 to $1.15 billion in 1971-1973.
1973 October Arab-Israeli War. Congress passes $2.2 billion in emergency financial aid, increases military aid 800 percent (Chicago Tribune Article archived.)
Never forget USS Liberty. The pilots told them it was a American Ship. Easily distinguishable. Told to "Fire anyway"
4 Boats and multiple planes attack with torpedos, napalm and bombs.
The horrific attack lasts an hour and a half.
To 'make up for it' Isreal pays US$3.32 million to the 30 dead families. and $3.57 million to the 171 wounded. The real kicker though? They paid it with US Tax payers money. Attack happened in 1968 but heres a breakdown of money sent to Isreal.
Fiscal Year $ Millions, Current Percent Military
1949-1959 652.9 .06
1960-1969 834.8 30
1970-1979 16,309.2 71
1980-1989 28,052.3 56
1990 3,019.4 59
1991 (requested) 3,000.0 60
Total 51,868.6 60
1948-1958 US, reluctant to alienate Arab oil producers by selling arms directly, gives economic aid only.
1961 President Kennedy authorizes first direct arms sale: Hawk missiles.
1962 First US military aid (loans) to Israel.
June 1967 Six-Day War. Israel’s main military supplier, France, imposes arms embargo.
1968 Congress increases aid to Israel 450 percent. Military aid jumps from $7 million in 1967 to $25 million in 1968. US agrees to sell Israel 50 Phantom fighter bombers.
1970 Jordan’s “Black September” crisis; US sees Israel as means to combat
Soviet influence in Arab world, increases military aid from $140 million in 1968-1970 to $1.15 billion in 1971-1973.
1973 October Arab-Israeli War. Congress passes $2.2 billion in emergency financial aid, increases military aid 800 percent
No better feeling than doing a little dig like that, and somebody saying ‘Great work’ 😁 glad you thought it was interesting as well