there was no plane in PA that was a drone strike. planes don't disintegrate on impact like they want people to believe. the day that happened a local news agency interviewed a woman who was driving by there and she said a small white plane, very quiet like a glider plane flew over the top of her vehicle. she said it barely cleared the top of the tree line and then she heard an explosion. she said right after that 2 fighter jets flew over. the video was taken down shortly after. same with eye witness accounts after the buildings fell that said no planes, that they heard explosions, ie controlled demo, all those interviews were taken down as well.
No plane at Pentagon but I believe planes hit twin towers but also with explosives..IMO.
makes sense 3 planes only the one that was bought down over Pennsylvania was probably meant for the pentagon.
3 is symbolic to them.
there was no plane in PA that was a drone strike. planes don't disintegrate on impact like they want people to believe. the day that happened a local news agency interviewed a woman who was driving by there and she said a small white plane, very quiet like a glider plane flew over the top of her vehicle. she said it barely cleared the top of the tree line and then she heard an explosion. she said right after that 2 fighter jets flew over. the video was taken down shortly after. same with eye witness accounts after the buildings fell that said no planes, that they heard explosions, ie controlled demo, all those interviews were taken down as well.