posted ago by dominickmilford ago by dominickmilford +22 / -0

This originated in a thread where I asked users what grade they gave Elon x Trump (0-10 scale)

From u/brxn:

I'd give it a 7.. but that was just because I am so ready for big reveals finally and the rest of mankind to grow its balls back. It got the job done, though, and I realize the interview is not for me - it's for the 6-10% to wake up before they end up in the 4-5%

My reply:

Right on, I did grade it based on some of your sentiments exactly, although I ended up going a little higher by a point or so. Like you I also realized that this wasn't for "us". After looking at the sheer size of the audience that this thing made it out to (absolutely monstrous and hopefully works to establish connections with a good % of the typical low info, idk about voting for him type voters) I recognize that it kind of had to be mostly "basic bitch Trump" for that reason.

But you're right, I have been one of the MOST patient and never really got the "pepe zoomies" that so many seem to go through... that is, until just recently.

There's something awfully strange going on with the news cycles and the effects its having. Even what topics are being talked about and which are being buried. Every day we get closer and closer to a water tower shooter or a rogue operative purposefully unaccounted for at the time of the shooting. Yet it feels like yesterday's news, not relevant at all anymore, when the entire WORLD should have stopped for such a monumental event. Is that because the Convention immediately following it got so much of the emotions out when it was all so raw still?

Joe Biden has had the Hand of God take an eraser to him mid-scene, cartoon-like, and no one even seems to remember him or discuss where he is or what he is doing... despite still being POTUS, technically I guess or whatevs. I feel as though the last time I saw the old curmudgeon he was desperately boarding his plane in Las Vegas.

And you know what? I am no longer ashamed to admit I miss that old bastard. Yes, he was the most corrupt and dirty scoundrel in a marsh bed full of them, and easily the worst President ever, determined to drive our country off a cliff from the day he took office...

But something feels so godawful and WRONG about him being thrown into a moving van by the spooks in some kind of Presidential rendition, man. Its the hell you know, right? Not to mention the fact that THEY took away our chance to vote him out and exact vengeance for what he did to us and our country.... that was ours by rights, and there is a palpable feeling of failure to launch. Like all of a sudden I need a Viagra for the first time in my life, or something. 🤣 Maybe that's just me though.

Its the same set of feelings that presented themselves when George Clooney came out during the fundraiser. Yeah, we hate Joe, but we hate YOU more for suddenly turning on him and declaring to the world he is unfit to run and we must move on.

YOU FUCKERS are more despicable than Joe by a longshot. You sat there with a stone face and totally denied there was anything wrong for the last four years; perish the thought, har har Joe with cognitive issues, tis laughable! Now suddenly they've awoken en masse from their hallucination and got on the level? Quite frankly, we were enjoying the cognitive dissonance immensely and it was a great thing to laugh at.

Personally, it kept a lot of the fear and sadness at bay - at least I could look at the funny but not really antics of Joe, compounded by all the blank liberal faces, and have a good moment where humor distracted me from the damages done to my own life and many others that you people wrought by using him like you did.

More than ever now, Joe has sympathy from our side, since he's the fool who stood there taking the arrows for all your dirty work, only now to be thrown out like leftover trash by his "supporters." Not to mention his replacement is about as strong as a paper plate.

After an entire term of being either invisible or untenable, suddenly she reaps all the good cheer and rewards, for being a great big nothing. She is the ultimate representation of 'the machine.' Does anyone feel any ACTUAL emotion coming from there? Christ, Joe probably registers a better heartbeat, this person is icy, aloof and plainly DOES NOT look upon her crowd and see even one person she would call her equal. "Excuse me I'm speaking!" Yes indeed and you must remind us of when you last SAID anything. She has all the qualities that Hilary Clinton had and dead to rights it SHOULD be causing her to drop like a rock.

I am hopeful that will become known to everyone during the next debate; how pathetic if they coddle her to victory and somehow we buy into it and are had YET AGAIN - if it doesn't turn south in dramatic fashion I weep for the people of our nation for being such fools and forgetting yhe events of yesterday, a nationwide Stockholm syndrome in full purview.


With friends like that who needs enemies? And who in their right mind would soldier on and continue to support a party made up of such vile, false people at the top?

So in truth Its all very odd because for all these MAJOR events, the "feel" of things is that they somehow are making smaller impacts then they otherwise should...

I blame the MSM of course, which by now EVERYONE knows are totally fraudulent except the people who are intentionally allowing themselves to be gaslit to continue hating Trump.

I have considered also that maybe we have hit a sort of 'critical mass' where we finally DO have a major amount of the general public on board now and there are just the hardcore fringes left over. Lets say it was 60% of the country in 2020 and now maybe 70%+ so the swings don't feel commensurate based on what's happening.

Ultimately though, I think a good 10-15% of everybody and maybe near 50% of MAGA is like us, ready and THEN SOME for the full DECLAS and getting a little worried/impatient for the moment. Meanwhile some of us (me at least) watching this Kamala Harris "cheapfake" horseshit, running on nothing but thin air, and wondering how its possible and if it has any basis in reality.

I did hear some pleasant moments thar gave slight reveals, "other countries with [an Iron Dome] that nobody knows about" and Trump sharing his knowledge of prison populations in other countries worldwide and their back and forth about nuclear and other energy had some genuinely entertaining moments as well.

My hope is that Trump gained ground with part of the population that is still dubious about him, but smart enough to change their minds as the race continues and more surprises happen.

Judging by the media climate, where unfortunately the MSM still holds a lot of sway, I think the time was ripe to get some more ears listening to him now, particularly the ones who haven't yet heard the information before it was tampered with by the media.

It seems as though the biggest event of the year turned out to be the debate with Biden. The lamestream media and [DS] were left truly scrambling after that, with wild swings persisting for nearly a month.

Based on that and recent (dumbfounding) polling I think there will be more reveals and they will be less about Trump and more the sort that are embarrassing and damaging to the left. With Trump's voice now cutting into their constant lib-splaining it will further damage their credulity and the transparent lies about their forward policy agenda.

I heard Rogan say recently that he was amazed at how many were happy and willing to swallow the blatant lying just to keep hating and rejecting Trump; perhaps the next phase for us and MAGA will not be efforts to ADD OR STEAL votes from the left, but rather to make certain members ((anti-Israel anti-Jew pro-HAMAS pro-fashionable politics) become utterly disgusted and disillusioned with the Democratic party so as to withhold their votes entirely.

For every sneaky-assed Dem operative they had working the ballot count at polls circa 2020, if we could replace that agent with one who leads their brethren to refrain from voting and demonstrate in protest at the polling place, that may be the real way we beat the cheat.