posted ago by rupedoggydawg ago by rupedoggydawg +34 / -0

"ELON MUSK: Yeah, it’s not a tough shot.

DONALD TRUMP: No, it’s not a long shot. The Secret Service person had the long shot. He had a, you know, triple distance, actually. So, you know, it was a terrible thing. Look, it’s hard. I have to say this about the Secret Service."

So this stuck out immediately. Trump said the Sniper took out the shooter with a tougher shot. Triple the Distance. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/07/15/12/87353385-13634063-image-a-59_1721044353508.jpg

Would this indicate that the SS Sniper didn't take out Crooks, but another shooter?
Looking at the map of the locations, the sniper was closer to Crooks than Crooks was to Trump. Then there is the video of the sniper adjusting his stance and aim towards what looks like could be the tower or woods.