I wonder how many great scripts written by patriots and God loving people were turned down by the network only to pick the worst scripts for tv shows as long as all are checkmarked - gay, sex, drugs, inter-racial, blood, violence, mental problems, narcissism, freaks, more freaks, no matter how illogical and boring the plots are.
I wonder how many great scripts written by patriots and God loving people were turned down by the network only to pick the worst scripts for tv shows as long as all are checkmarked - gay, sex, drugs, inter-racial, blood, violence, mental problems, narcissism, freaks, more freaks, no matter how illogical and boring the plots are.
You've noticed that every last show now has to have multiple gay or alphabet characters along with the evil white person and virtuous POC.
Then they put in gratuitous sex for no reason.
Just another reason I pretty much only watch older TV shows.
Have you noticed all the vomiting? Someone is throwing up in every show and it’s disgusting.
Make bulimia great again?