To be quite honest...on the one hand I really enjoy coming to this forum and getting news, opinion and commentary because I believe the many individuals on this site are serious about Truth, have good hearts and for the most part believe in God. This is the overall feeling I get from Great Awakening. On the other hand...yes Q is very compelling, but I am still 50/50 as far as there's a Plan, the Patriots are in Control and We Are Watching a Movie. We will know the truth in this regards in just a few short months...whether we want to or not!
That said, what Q wrote in the above drop is very interesting to me because it portrays a sense of Victory and a positive message and outlook for the future. Q is definitely not defeatist in nature which is a breath of fresh air compared to the entirety of Zionist Evangelical Christendom today...which unfortunately comprises most Christians attending a 501c3 government controlled religious institutions (these used to be houses of worship). I say this because at least 90% of all Christians have bought into the Scofield Dispensation Theology that teaches Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation have yet to happen. Darby and Scofield (both bankrolled by the Rothschilds), taught that Christians would be Raptured out (before things got really bad) and that the world would succumb to an evil world dictator (Anti-Christ) and a One World Global Government/Religion that would take over the planet for years.
If this message is not defeatist in nature, I don't know what is. Someone having this mindset would naturally be a fool to get involved in the battle between good and evil because they fundamentally believe that the Bible teaches evil will prevail (albeit temporarily). In fact...getting involved at any level in order to make things better is just prolonging the inevitable! Hence, this is why false Biblical interpretation can be so very destructive and this friends (in my opinion) is one of the major reasons why we are in the situation we are in. We have all heard the quote, "all that has to happen for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." This is exactly what has happened because of Scofield and Darby.
This is real simple...there are 4 verses that Scofield and Darby couldn't effectively get around similar to the way JW's cannot effectively get around the truth of Jesus being God because of John 1:1. Sure...they can come up with all manner of excuses at to why it doesn't say what it says, but in the says it and there's no getting around it! The 4 verses that effectively destroy the "Futurist" view are Matthew 24:34 and Revelation 1:1-3. These are time stamps that specifically say all that Matthew 24 and the entire Book of Revelation describe have happened already!
The reason our Founding Father's found the moral and spiritual fortitude to conduct a revolution against the most powerful force in the known world and succeed was because their Pastors were teaching them the truth about Israel, the end times and the future of Christendom. They were taught that Christianity and the beautiful message of Jesus would eventually take over the world and that the world would succumb to it's power one heart at a time. Most Christians going to these modern "seeker friendly," hollowed out excuses for houses of worship have never heard of the song..."Onward Christian Soldier!" It's sad to think that one of the main reasons why America is in the state it's in is because Christians are waiting for a Rapture that will never come! They are hoping (most subconsciously) that the NWO will succeed sooner rather than never at all!
The message of Q portends that future I believe the Bible teaches...Jesus won the war 2,000 years ago and He now has the keys to the kingdom! That is not in the is NOW! Yes...we will see the Light and a beautiful, new world does lie ahead as the Gospel Message of Jesus' free gift of Salvation wins over the world one heart at a time!
A most excellent point. When my sister talks about the tribulation coming, I'm like...what makes you think that what we're already living through isn't that? I agree...the bible stories have been hijacked, just like every other flipping thing in Earth society.
At the same time, my heart and soul knows that we have loads of help from the currently unseen, and also that some of us are that help...if that makes any sense.
To be quite honest...on the one hand I really enjoy coming to this forum and getting news, opinion and commentary because I believe the many individuals on this site are serious about Truth, have good hearts and for the most part believe in God. This is the overall feeling I get from Great Awakening. On the other hand...yes Q is very compelling, but I am still 50/50 as far as there's a Plan, the Patriots are in Control and We Are Watching a Movie. We will know the truth in this regards in just a few short months...whether we want to or not!
That said, what Q wrote in the above drop is very interesting to me because it portrays a sense of Victory and a positive message and outlook for the future. Q is definitely not defeatist in nature which is a breath of fresh air compared to the entirety of Zionist Evangelical Christendom today...which unfortunately comprises most Christians attending a 501c3 government controlled religious institutions (these used to be houses of worship). I say this because at least 90% of all Christians have bought into the Scofield Dispensation Theology that teaches Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation have yet to happen. Darby and Scofield (both bankrolled by the Rothschilds), taught that Christians would be Raptured out (before things got really bad) and that the world would succumb to an evil world dictator (Anti-Christ) and a One World Global Government/Religion that would take over the planet for years.
If this message is not defeatist in nature, I don't know what is. Someone having this mindset would naturally be a fool to get involved in the battle between good and evil because they fundamentally believe that the Bible teaches evil will prevail (albeit temporarily). In fact...getting involved at any level in order to make things better is just prolonging the inevitable! Hence, this is why false Biblical interpretation can be so very destructive and this friends (in my opinion) is one of the major reasons why we are in the situation we are in. We have all heard the quote, "all that has to happen for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing." This is exactly what has happened because of Scofield and Darby.
This is real simple...there are 4 verses that Scofield and Darby couldn't effectively get around similar to the way JW's cannot effectively get around the truth of Jesus being God because of John 1:1. Sure...they can come up with all manner of excuses at to why it doesn't say what it says, but in the says it and there's no getting around it! The 4 verses that effectively destroy the "Futurist" view are Matthew 24:34 and Revelation 1:1-3. These are time stamps that specifically say all that Matthew 24 and the entire Book of Revelation describe have happened already!
The reason our Founding Father's found the moral and spiritual fortitude to conduct a revolution against the most powerful force in the known world and succeed was because their Pastors were teaching them the truth about Israel, the end times and the future of Christendom. They were taught that Christianity and the beautiful message of Jesus would eventually take over the world and that the world would succumb to it's power one heart at a time. Most Christians going to these modern "seeker friendly," hollowed out excuses for houses of worship have never heard of the song..."Onward Christian Soldier!" It's sad to think that one of the main reasons why America is in the state it's in is because Christians are waiting for a Rapture that will never come! They are hoping (most subconsciously) that the NWO will succeed sooner rather than never at all!
The message of Q portends that future I believe the Bible teaches...Jesus won the war 2,000 years ago and He now has the keys to the kingdom! That is not in the is NOW! Yes...we will see the Light and a beautiful, new world does lie ahead as the Gospel Message of Jesus' free gift of Salvation wins over the world one heart at a time!
A most excellent point. When my sister talks about the tribulation coming, I'm like...what makes you think that what we're already living through isn't that? I agree...the bible stories have been hijacked, just like every other flipping thing in Earth society.
At the same time, my heart and soul knows that we have loads of help from the currently unseen, and also that some of us are that help...if that makes any sense.
Love wins. That is all.