posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +51 / -0


This short column includes several eye-popping, easy-to-read graphs about the "danger" of Monkey Pox.

The so-called increase in death rate [for monkey pox] being propagated by strange unelected individuals with investments to protect involves absolutely negligible numbers - and that’s assuming even these numbers aren’t fabricated. WHO knows, at this point. Public distrust is at an all-time high due to the COVID-19 “mismanagement debacle”.

That so-called “peak” at the end of July (right before US election - cough, cough) represents - according to OWID - a rate of 0.0002 deaths per million people. That’s 0.0002/1,000,000 people. That’s a 0.0000000002 chance, or a 1 in 5 billion chance of dying from mpox according to the current ‘case’ and ‘death’ rates. This does not a pandemic nor emergency make.