For me, we are way past any notion of any nation state inside the G8, G20, BRICS, UN, NATO etc being self-interested to the point of excluding all others or deploying self-defence as a non-staged moral act. Nation v nation is performative theatre and 101 fearmongering: who better to hold up as an existential threat to your team than another “demonstrably” more ruthless, better equipped team?
All governments depend - no, thrive - on this showmanship. Without this illusion, all totalitarian government power is massively diminished, if not non-existent. Think of it like soccer: a rigged competitive sports league where the overarching regulatory bodies are corrupt to the core and pull strings from the shadows, the players perform to distract the disciples, the boards and managers feign leadership, shady deals are done with media and merchandisers, and ultimately all teams secretly lie and collude together to sustain the semblance of a fair competitive sports league. (Look into connections between freemasonry and soccer or professional sports in general). Like so much else that passes for mainstream normie life, it’s more like massive money-generating scams by secret societies and criminal syndicates.
For me, we are way past any notion of any nation state inside the G8, G20, BRICS, UN, NATO etc being self-interested to the point of excluding all others or deploying self-defence as a non-staged moral act. Nation v nation is performative theatre and 101 fearmongering: who better to hold up as an existential threat to your team than another “demonstrably” more ruthless, better equipped team?
All governments depend - no, thrive - on this showmanship. Without this illusion, all totalitarian government power is massively diminished, if not non-existent. Think of it like soccer: a rigged competitive sports league where the overarching regulatory bodies are corrupt to the core and pull strings from the shadows, the players perform to distract the disciples, the boards and managers feign leadership, shady deals are done with media and merchandisers, and ultimately all teams secretly lie and collude together to sustain the semblance of a fair competitive sports league. (Look into connections between freemasonry and soccer or professional sports in general). Like so much else that passes for mainstream normie life, it’s more like massive money-generating scams by secret societies and criminal syndicates.