Prob doing the devil's advocate here, but is there a possibility that Grok outputs according to online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary re: the current administration, and not what's being hidden from most eyes, if that's the case? If that's not the case, it's important!
While it may be correct in this instance, what people need to realize is, these current iterations of AI are just chatbots. Think Clippy, from early Microsoft products. The only difference is, these have domain knowledge of all of the internet, where Clippy's domain was very narrow.
But, with having all that knowledge, now it'll "hallucinate". That's the technical term for it. Basically, it doesn't actually know anything, it just tells you what it thinks sounds correct in that scenario, which can lead it to telling you that 9.11 is bigger than 9.9 because 11 is bigger than 9, and that the calculators that tell you otherwise are malfunctioning.
Different AI have different filters for how it can answer, but at its core, it's still just a chatbot with the knowledge of a bunch of forums and just answering how a random forum member would. Only it doesn't understand our reality and often substitutes its own.
Answers from AI should never be considered proof of anything. I mean, look at how it draws hands. We certainly wouldn't use that as proof that that's how hands look, now would we?
In this particular instance, it seems its filtering to allow pro-trump stances. Since Elon is a Trump supporter now, it makes total sense. It could be that Elon is exposing their censoring by censoring them in such a dramatic way.
Elon mentioned he and Trump had a long conversation before the public interview, and then during the interview at one point Trump said he wants to beat China at AI. Could be that Trump and Elon made a deal in their pre-interview that could have Grok be important coming up soon.
AI Grock is confirming what most of us already know. Thnx for the post Fren!
Even it knows... 👀
Based Grok
Prob doing the devil's advocate here, but is there a possibility that Grok outputs according to online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary re: the current administration, and not what's being hidden from most eyes, if that's the case? If that's not the case, it's important!
I thought about that too.
So if we go down the road of each of those possibilities - where does that lead us?
"Hidden from most eyes" version = NCSWIC, Devolution, etc. - all that goodness we're familiar with.
If we consider what circumstance would have to be true for "Grok outputs according to online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary"
... That too lands us in a cool space.
In that line of theorizing - would Grok output a fringe online speculation?
Or, would Grok output the speculation with the highest percentage?
Meaning - if Grok is outputting that answer based off Online speculation, algorythmic extrapolation and commentary -
Then, is it safe to deduct that the most common expressed belief online, is that Trump is CoChief?
That conclusion too, is a pretty cool social temperature read.
Very perceptive!
Good point was thinking similarly and does the AI have complete access too the WWW.
Yes we know, but it's good to confirm.
Definitely means something. I wonder what data Grok uses to determine the answer. That would be fascinating.
It’s a computer. It only knows what it is PROGRAMMED to regurgitate. It does not participate in critical thinking.
Wow!! Great picture. 💯
I suggest you guys buy some $GROK asap while it’s still cheap.
A USN Commander.
While it may be correct in this instance, what people need to realize is, these current iterations of AI are just chatbots. Think Clippy, from early Microsoft products. The only difference is, these have domain knowledge of all of the internet, where Clippy's domain was very narrow.
But, with having all that knowledge, now it'll "hallucinate". That's the technical term for it. Basically, it doesn't actually know anything, it just tells you what it thinks sounds correct in that scenario, which can lead it to telling you that 9.11 is bigger than 9.9 because 11 is bigger than 9, and that the calculators that tell you otherwise are malfunctioning.
Different AI have different filters for how it can answer, but at its core, it's still just a chatbot with the knowledge of a bunch of forums and just answering how a random forum member would. Only it doesn't understand our reality and often substitutes its own.
Answers from AI should never be considered proof of anything. I mean, look at how it draws hands. We certainly wouldn't use that as proof that that's how hands look, now would we?
In this particular instance, it seems its filtering to allow pro-trump stances. Since Elon is a Trump supporter now, it makes total sense. It could be that Elon is exposing their censoring by censoring them in such a dramatic way.
Elon mentioned he and Trump had a long conversation before the public interview, and then during the interview at one point Trump said he wants to beat China at AI. Could be that Trump and Elon made a deal in their pre-interview that could have Grok be important coming up soon.