Hmmmm, I would not take any more stupid pills, these three, their fun has just begun. Someone in Russia should do a documentary on these three imbeciles, prison life and having a pray rug facing east, praying five times a day ant going to happen, they are going to be someone’s bitches. The word sodomized: In Arabic and Persian, the word for sodomy, لواط (Arabic pronunciation: liwāṭ; Persian pronunciation lavât), is derived from the same source as in Western culture, with much the same connotations as English (referring to most sexual acts prohibited by the Qur'an).
Hmmmm, I would not take any more stupid pills, these three, their fun has just begun. Someone in Russia should do a documentary on these three imbeciles, prison life and having a pray rug facing east, praying five times a day ant going to happen, they are going to be someone’s bitches. The word sodomized: In Arabic and Persian, the word for sodomy, لواط (Arabic pronunciation: liwāṭ; Persian pronunciation lavât), is derived from the same source as in Western culture, with much the same connotations as English (referring to most sexual acts prohibited by the Qur'an).