She Prays Over Her Food
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Dr. Jordan Rueben has a book, "The Maker's Diet". If we eat the foods the Bible recommends, it can make a huge difference. He had Crohnes disease as a college student ( got it after he got vaccinated to go to college) His parents took him to about 70 different doctors ( this was decades ago) He finally ended up with a guy that put him on the Biblical diet. His Crohnes was eventually healed. The basics are eat only meat from cloven hoofed cud chewing animals ( no scavenger meat) which are deer, cattle, sheep families. Only fish that have scales and fins, (no bottom feeders where the heavy metals and toxins settle) only fowl that feed on grain and insects, again no scavenger birds. The extensive list is in Leviticus, or on page 36 of "The Maker's Diet". This, along with prayer will make a very big difference in a person's health. My only difficulty is that I love bacon. LOL. I grow organic fruits and veggies and try to avoid the hybrids. Otherwise I do fairly well with it.