Yes and everyone needs to familiarize themselves with the parallel stories of Hubert Humphreys 1968 campaign trying to distance himself from LBJ, with that same years violent DNC in Chicago and his campaign of 'politics through joy' and the awkward similarities to Kumala and Biden.
This was the dilemma for Hubert H. Humphrey in 1968: As he ran for president, he had to run from the president - meaning his president, Lyndon B. Johnson.
Humphrey didn't run quite far enough.
Humphrey was Johnson's vice president. He jumped into the Democratic nomination contest after Johnson shocked the nation with news that he would not seek reelection. Johnson bowed out because of growing public unhappiness over the Vietnam War. He was also vulnerable on domestic issues, including a spiraling crime rate and worsening economy.
Instead, Humphrey marched on like a drum major leading a band that sounded out-of-tune with the dour tenor of the times. Humphrey was an ebullient, irrepressible man. At his campaign kickoff, Humphrey dismissed claims that America was "restless" or had lost its way. Instead, Humphrey would practice "the politics of happiness, the politics of purpose, and the politics of joy."
Yes and everyone needs to familiarize themselves with the parallel stories of Hubert Humphreys 1968 campaign trying to distance himself from LBJ, with that same years violent DNC in Chicago and his campaign of 'politics through joy' and the awkward similarities to Kumala and Biden.