Being Gen-Z feels like showing up to the party 4 hours after everyone left.
The American dream is dead. Trump said that at the RNC when I was like 10 years old and it's gotten worse every year since. It's frustrating because everyone knows it's bad but there's still so little sympathy. It seems like all that's left of America is this vague idea that you have to work yourself to death so you can buy things. That's literally all we have left that unites us. Working and trying to buy groceries.
What is this country without prosperity?
My generation is trying to figure this out and we're not coming up with much inspiring stuff. With the benefit of hindsight, no one likes the direction our ancestors chose to take. The suburbs that gave our great grandparents the dream of homeownership left us isolated and friendless as kids, sealed up behind a TV screen so our parents could feel like we're safe. The constant economic stimulus that kept our economy growing throughout the 20th century is now like a noose around the neck of anyone who has to buy things regularly in order to survive (aka everyone). The cost of living is brutal and probably not going down unless the economy actually shrinks for a while. We've transitioned from a labor economy to an ownership economy as boomers retired and invested their savings in real estate and the stock market. It no longer pays to work. College is useless. Our society is overly bureaucratized and discrimination against white people and men is openly celebrated. Anyone who doesn't fit into DEI HR culture is effectively banned from participating in the mainstream economy.
No one is happy. Liberals aren't happy. Conservatives aren't happy. Men and women are at each other's throats but equally miserable for different reasons. We have no culture, no third spaces to meet people and forge lasting relationships. Most people are single, lonely and completely disgusted by one another. Everyone I know is mentally ill to some degree. It's really bad. I don't think older people fully understand the caliber of people who will inherit this world.
I think the negativity will only stop when the direction of our civilization completely changes. There's no making our current trajectory work, under any circumstances.
CONSTANT GROWTH IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. Constant change, constant agitation is not normal. It's not normal for every generation to die in a world that's completely unrecognizable from the one they were born into. It's not normal that our pattern of life is constantly being messed with for the sake of theoretical progress. It's not normal to feel like you're on the clock 24/7, constantly surveilled, constantly accounted for. The feeling that time is speeding up, that every moment needs to be filled with some meaningless distraction. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. This is not healthy. Our birthrates are falling off because this world is not appropriate for human beings to live in.
Consumerism has to die. Liberalism (in the classical and modern sense) needs to be retired. Even rationality in the sense we know of today has to go. Inefficiency is what makes life home for human beings.
I don't want to hear people call this idealistic nonsense when our culture is visibly dying before our eyes. The status quo and the 20th century frame of reference has been discredited, as hard as that is for some people to accept. Change is our only option and it's inevitable at this point.
Conservatives will have to articulate a vision of our future that goes beyond capitalist consumerism or else we're going to become a third world communist shithole. New ideas are needed. We have to drastically expand our minds beyond what we've been conditioned to believe, or humanity is truly doomed.
Rant over.
Being in any age group right now sucks... not just zoomers or whatever.
We are very much at war...a war of good vs evil and a war for whatever remains of our sovereignty.
The game is the same it ever was, only the names and tactics have changed.
The world at large is overdue for a change. The old tired ways of overlooking our situation is over - everybody knows we're being jerked around and new deals for our existence need to be made - because it's clear - life could easily be SO MUCH BETTER if decisions were made to support life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness instead of EVERY decision being in opposition to that.
Your generation, some call soft - but few understand, you're actually more balanced in the male/female aspect, where you are more tolerant (to your detriment sometimes...) and I would say, more kind and loving in certain important ways. I'll say there are caveats with that - because liberals have hijacked the whole "love trumps hate" bullshit where they SAY that, but do the exact opposite, which seems to just go right by many people's heads. I hate those fuckers for tricking people like that... I said, we are very much at war. The cabal wants full spectrum dominance and white zoomers getting a house and multiplying is not part of their "boot on the face/neck" of everyone plans. Other generations are fighting with everything they have to maintain what they have/earned - and many are losing right now... it's not just zoomers getting cornholed - we all are. This is why unity is so important going forward and zoomers are needed and welcomed as fellow soldiers against this evil.
As co-creators of this world, despite the gross manipulation, it is essential to not only research as much as you can with discernment to uncover the battlefield, but also to distill/filter the information and hold on to the hope you find. This is where the convergence of the Q drops, interactions and pointings of others here and elsewhere, are seeds and fuel for the co-creation of our future. It's IMPORTANT that we all project forward a vision of victory over the evil in this world. I cannot state that enough - because we VERY MUCH have the ability to bend and shape reality to our will - which is a powerful endowment from the Supreme Creator.
You have to find what resonates most with BOTH your head and your heart and share that with others. Collectively we can all create the changes our Spirits have longed for - and resonating that energy and idea is of prime importance. Each one of us, yourself including is doing their part, whether you really believe that or not. You're here for a reason... and you've posted this particular thread for a reason... and anons are replying to you for a reason - that many may view as simply trite conjecture, but they have no idea how powerful just one thing could be, and how many lurkers, friends or others will be encouraged to participate in their own soldiering role as a result of this. Everyone is doing their part. We're ALL battle fatigued and weary little brother... so don't mistake "sucking it up" as pacification...
Find things that educate, move and inspire you - things that lift you out of the darkness of despair and recognize that you are not fighting evil on your own. This is important to realize...You may find this video that was posted a few days ago both informative and hopeful... and it's just the tip of the iceberg... combine the Q drops, MJ12 pdf/drops, General Kwast's DECLAS videos (pre AND post Space Force creation) and I'd say there are some major hints about our future. They give both understanding and hope, if you really listen.
This war is shit... and feels long, drawn out and hopeless sometimes, but thankfully we've got COMs and patriots telling us it's all going to work out - even acknowledging our impatience and why it had to be this way. Yes, things suck and are probably going to get prepare both your mind and spirit and start building your support network for the tough times ahead. It could ALWAYS be worse - so count your blessings and keep your chin up.