I'm still not a big fan of how he says things, but he does speak the truth. Unfortunately, too many people let Trump's "Trumpiness" deter them from voting for him. He really is his worst political enemy.
I'm the opposite, I guess. I could see 10 posts a day of Trump calling these people losers, among all the rest of the "Trumpiness", and I'd never get tired.
Nothing puts me in the mood to vote like a good Trump post.
Yes, many of his supporters like it, but it is hurting him among many who would gladly vote for him (and may still do) if he acted in a more mature manner.
What people fail to realize is that if he did not talk like this, a huge percentage of his supporters would not be interested. Politeness is used against us and has been for decades, If a candidate wishes to continue to engage in this politeness, I will not vote for them. It is just a form of control. Politeness is demanded of slaves. The more Trump actively and aggressively pushes against politeness, the more strongly I will support him. If he were not crude like this he would not have the level of support he does. Period. It's time to be crude to demons. This is a virtue. Being polite to them is a sin.
Supporters of his policies will always support him. His "Trumpiness" may attract some immature people out there, but the number of people turned away from him because of it must clearly outnumber those who are attracted by it. Mature adults don't talk and act like him! Just like mature adults don't fling F-bombs around in public. There are certain ways mature people act. Some people show maturity at an early age, some people never seem to mature beyond adolescence. He CLEARLY loses at LEAST a few percent of votes because of his "Trumpiness", which he could easily correct (he has a little).
I'm still not a big fan of how he says things, but he does speak the truth. Unfortunately, too many people let Trump's "Trumpiness" deter them from voting for him. He really is his worst political enemy.
I'm the opposite, I guess. I could see 10 posts a day of Trump calling these people losers, among all the rest of the "Trumpiness", and I'd never get tired.
Nothing puts me in the mood to vote like a good Trump post.
Amen! 👍
Yes, many of his supporters like it, but it is hurting him among many who would gladly vote for him (and may still do) if he acted in a more mature manner.
What people fail to realize is that if he did not talk like this, a huge percentage of his supporters would not be interested. Politeness is used against us and has been for decades, If a candidate wishes to continue to engage in this politeness, I will not vote for them. It is just a form of control. Politeness is demanded of slaves. The more Trump actively and aggressively pushes against politeness, the more strongly I will support him. If he were not crude like this he would not have the level of support he does. Period. It's time to be crude to demons. This is a virtue. Being polite to them is a sin.
Yes. We're voting for President, not Prom King.
Supporters of his policies will always support him. His "Trumpiness" may attract some immature people out there, but the number of people turned away from him because of it must clearly outnumber those who are attracted by it. Mature adults don't talk and act like him! Just like mature adults don't fling F-bombs around in public. There are certain ways mature people act. Some people show maturity at an early age, some people never seem to mature beyond adolescence. He CLEARLY loses at LEAST a few percent of votes because of his "Trumpiness", which he could easily correct (he has a little).
I could not possibly disagree more with every word you wrote.
So you would not vote for him if he quit the name calling and other things like that?