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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
Hot All Posts Jak4 (7.6k • 4.9k) • • Saved in 'Cancer info' Family member just diagnosed Stage 3.5 brain tumour. Need some help regarding alternative treatment for parasites please frens. by Psiobs CasuallyObservant 5 months ago +31 / -0 Hello Psiobs -
You may be looking for one of these:
Dr. Lee Merritt - Protocol for Parasite Elimination, Cancer tumors are Parasites Dr. Jennifer Daniels - Turpentine The Miracle Medicine Hulda Clark - The Cure for All Cancers Dr. Syed Haider - Cure Cancer with Ivermectin, Vitamin C, Fenbendazole and Baking Soda Joe Tippens cancer protocol ..................................
Here's how I've survived my Stage 3 cancer:
I'm a Stage III-A cancer survivor who is in remission from an aggressive 'incurable' cancer that took down all participants in a previous national cancer trial, (except one) who was the sole survivor at 36 months, so I feel pretty fortunate I am still here almost 6 years after my diagnosis and surgery and am still cancer-free. I did not do radiation nor chemo, nor take any trial drugs because the cancer I had removed was impervious to all treatments tried, according to the expensive genomics study I paid for. That was fine, because I didn't want to do any of those things to myself and that gave me the confirmation it would have been fruitless anyway.
In my case, I was able to have surgery and had the surgeons remove whatever they could find plus they took 17 lymph nodes. I decided I would research and find something myself to treat my situation, using my God-given brains.
However!! Do know that I've been a huge researcher of pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and medical studies for many years, and have been pulling out all the stops to make sure the cancer is truly gone and stays gone.
Specifically for cancer prevention and rebuffing I take the following:
Ivermectin (1 x per week/per weight dose) Fenbendazole (3x per week for 3 months per year) B-17 (Bitter Apricot Kernels) (5-6 per day, every day for a week each month) Artemisinin (one capsule daily) Turkey Tail Mushroom powder (2 capsules daily) To supplement the above, I also take the following supplements EVERY DAY:
Vit A Artemisinin (Artemisia Annua) B1 B3 B12 Vit C Co-Q10 Vit D3 Vit E Gingko Biloba Vit K2 Magnesium Melatonin NAC Quercetin Turmeric/Curcumin Zinc I order my Ivermectin and Fenbendazole from Amazon or from a variety of online Pet supply houses. I use the 'horse paste' for the Ivermectin and the 'Panacur C canine' Fenbendazole powder and have suffered no ill side affects from either.
All the rest of the vitamins and supplements are ordered online from Amazon, Puritan's Pride vitamins or Swansons.
Hope this helps Psiobs, let me know if I can answer any other questions for you.
permalink context all comments (103) save report block Oct 2023 : IVERMECTIN and CANCER, it has at least 15 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Can Ivermectin Treat COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Induced Turbo Cancers? - 9 Ivermectin papers reviewed posted 6 months ago by LakotaPride 14 comments share save hide report block Ivermectin for cancer treatment: a trove of great information can be found at this link. It may have been posted here before, but sharing in case it hasn't. posted 6 months ago by BigMuddyMama 31 comments share save hide report block FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? by LakotaPride RandoMando2A 10 months ago +3 / -0 Online orders: https://fenbenlab.com/product/fenbendazole-capsules-222mg/
Dosage guide: https://www.fenbendazole.org/fenbendazole-information/fenbendazole-dosage-guide/
permalink context all comments (57) save report block FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? by LakotaPride 20-guage 10 months ago +13 / -0 Here's a list of cancer resources I compiled from posts here and on Patriots.win. (I'll add this one to it for future reposts.) The list includes both Fenben and IVM information.
NOTE: I suggest using Presearch.org to search for info on IVM and/or Fenbendazole and specific type of cancer. It doesn't seem to censor the info like goog, duck, etc.
Misc. cancer resources:
FreeRepublic -- search results for <cancer> [Some junk, but a lot of research and information that seems solid.]
The Defeat of Cancer (in English, Spanish, Dutch, Italian) Absolutely massive trove of information. HT u/ brain_dead.
** Dr. Syed Haider: Can 2 Cheap Meds, 1 Vitamin & Baking Soda Kill Any Cancer? -- Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Vit C and Sodium Bicarb**
https://www.fenbendazole.org [dosages, protocols, lab research papers, and product comparison]
Research showing Fenbendazole prevents/treats/cures cancer -- search results:
Search results for <Fenbendazole + cancer + protocol>
Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol [This place offers Telehealth consultations.]
Conversation with Bing AI about Fenbendazole (See the comments, good info in there. h/t u/ Made_It_So)
Fenbendazole group (on Telegram): https://t.me/Fenbendazolesupport
Hosted by u/ Jessy1
Thus far are over 400 members who share their success stories and other ideas of using fenbendazole and alternative methods to fight cancer and stick it to BIG pharma.
List of IVM Protocols for use:
List of where to buy IVM (and other generic meds):
Research showing Ivermectin prevents/treats/cures cancer -- search results:
Search results for <Ivermectin + cancer + protocol>
Links to board search results for "cancer":
permalink context all comments (57) save report block FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER – at least 12 anti-cancer mechanisms of action. Not approved by FDA. Cheap. Safe. Kills aggressive cancers. Why no clinical trials? posted 10 months ago by LakotaPride 57 comments share save hide report block Manager got some bad news possibly by Singleuse NoQuarter 11 months ago +12 / -0 ^^^ THIS ^^^ also here is a case study that describes a woman with triple-N breast cancer. Using both Ivermectin and Fenbenzadole in combination https://fenbendazole.substack.com/p/triple-negative-breast-cancer-eradicated . THe hard part is convincing somebody to disregard the professional doctors advice. Chemotherapy is just the art of applying poison to the patient in the hopes that the chemo kills the cancer before it kills the patient.
permalink context all comments (25) save report block What If Cures Exist...Cured From Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer in Lungs, Bones And More With Soursop, Apricot Kernels & Black Seed Oil by Joys1Daughter PlantTrees 1 year ago +4 / -0 YES the power of raw fruits seeds roots greens for medicine and as food ongoing is undeniable. graviola-soursop, apricot seeds, garlic, citrus, wormwood, black seed, dandelion root, black walnut, papaya with seeds, chincona bark, cat's claw, many more...
permalink context all comments (59) save report block What If Cures Exist...Cured From Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer in Lungs, Bones And More With Soursop, Apricot Kernels & Black Seed Oil posted 1 year ago by Joys1Daughter 59 comments share save hide report block Joe Tipens Fenbendazole Protocol for Cancer posted 1 year ago by tweety51A 40 comments share save hide report block posted 2 years ago by TalesRatKingsTell 166 comments share save hide report block search community... Create a Post Welcome To The Great Awakening We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES.
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