posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +91 / -0


Gee. The polls aren't accurate? Aren't TRUTHFUL? I am stunned.

Journalists from liberal news outlets appear to have been left stunned after voters showed a preference for Donald Trump over Kamala Harris in a series of on-the-street interviews.

One clip going viral on X shows broadcaster Don Lemon interviewing strangers in Atlantic City, NJ, and finding many agreed they felt more financially stable under Trump's presidency.

And in one toe-curling exchange, a voter laughs in Lemon's face after the journalist tried to argue with his personal experience. In another instance he sensationally asks a male interviewee if his resistance to Harris is because 'she is a woman.'

A second clip from left-leaning ABC News shows a woman saying that she was considering voting for Trump because Harris 'has just been kind of caught up in a lot of lies.'

(etc., including video clips)