posted ago by Rufinator ago by Rufinator +24 / -1

So seeing the Planned Parenthood free abortions at the DNC, a friend of mine commented “Of course, they need to feed Moloch.” And I know there are plenty deepstater types that will have moloch idols at there fancy clubs and parties.

But how should we, from a Christian perspective at least, look at this?

I’ve always been of the understanding that Moloch doesn’t exist and they are just pissing into the wind with all of this, but I’m not entirely sure I have it right anymore.

I’m starting to lean towards there still being no Moloch, but the left using it as a way to reject God means Satan is just there like “I’ll take that!”

But is there any credible thought that Moloch is a demonic entity? That the Canaanite’s were worshiping one of the devil’s servants, and now the globalists are as well?

Not sure why but the thought has been bothering me lately.