167 NSA w/ a Qoincidence - Guantanamo Bay - FISA Memo (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 165 days ago by queue-anon 165 days ago by queue-anon +167 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The prior puzzle answer was prisoner camp Stalag 17
Stalag 17, eh? Thanks j!
Damn!!! Nice!!!
I know nutting!
Stalag Luft 17? The Great Escape. Remember the movie?
I watched a trailer for it earlier, I never watched it, I guess it was a comedy.
Watch it j...ASAP. It's A CLASSIC !
"The Great Escape" is based on a true story of an Allied Prison Camp in WWII. Full of great actors like "The Longest Day". You will love it.
Yes, A Classic!