I'm wondering if anyone has made a successful purchase with these guys within the past few months?
When you fill out their shopping cart they send you a payment email that takes you to a PayPal invoice.
My Spidey senses are up a bit.
I'd like your current opinion on this website.
If you've successfully made a Ivermectin purchase from another site please let me know.
This is a liquid that is the same thing. Add it to a couple ounces of juice and drink it. The 500ml bottle is equal to 500 12mg tablets for $75. Been using it for years. I use a 6ml syringe with a 16-gauge needle to make it easy to draw and dispense. Store the extra in the syringe for the next dose. The dose on the bottle is accurate so 1ml per 110 pounds of weight.
I've successfully purchased both ivermectin and HCQ from All Day Chemist.com
The order usually takes 3 weeks or so, but if you email them before you place your order and ask for a rush, they'll work with you.
I've successfully purchased from Reynold Meds. I recently ordered through them and paid it through a PayPal invoice. This is my second order with them.
I got mine here, no problems at all... https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/