“In developing countries. According to the WHO, up to 63 countries may have been targeted. So I was doing an observation on my rotations in Detroit, Michigan when I was training, and I saw that they gave some people the vaccine for tetanus and some not as a protocol. And the ones that were on welfare did not get it, but the ones who private pay did, which didn't make sense.
But I saw there's a huge difference in fertility. Huge. The people who didn't get it were extremely fertile. People who did had a lot of problems.
I googled it then, and sure enough, you can still find this if you Google it that the World Health Organization and NIH have since 1972 been developing the tetanus vaccine as an abortion or sterilization vaccine.
They've been putting the pregnancy hormone inside the tetanus vaccine in that vial. And so every time you get it, it's a cumulative response. Your body will then see if you're a female, you'll see when you're getting pregnant, you have a higher…”
“In developing countries. According to the WHO, up to 63 countries may have been targeted. So I was doing an observation on my rotations in Detroit, Michigan when I was training, and I saw that they gave some people the vaccine for tetanus and some not as a protocol. And the ones that were on welfare did not get it, but the ones who private pay did, which didn't make sense.
But I saw there's a huge difference in fertility. Huge. The people who didn't get it were extremely fertile. People who did had a lot of problems.
I googled it then, and sure enough, you can still find this if you Google it that the World Health Organization and NIH have since 1972 been developing the tetanus vaccine as an abortion or sterilization vaccine.
They've been putting the pregnancy hormone inside the tetanus vaccine in that vial. And so every time you get it, it's a cumulative response. Your body will then see if you're a female, you'll see when you're getting pregnant, you have a higher…”