🚨Democrat Governor of Kentucky, Andrew Beshear, Calls For Member of J. D. Vance's Family To Be Raped! 🚨 🔥Vance Responds With Fire!🔥
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
What an evil prick.
Millstone Time!
Anyone who thinks this or abortion align with the Golden Rule is both a fool and evil.
"Whatsoever ye doeth to the least of these, thy brethren, ye doest unto me". The God who gave us the Golden Rule does not approve of this person's statements or his hatred of others' beliefs to the contrary. He is typical of Democrats' hatred.
Roe v Wade was moved to the states, where it belonged from the beginning, according to no less than the most vocal Supreme Court member, who condoned abortion, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She has probably changed her mind since meeting her maker.
Does the illegality of murder belong to the states?
An unborn baby is either a person and killing him/her is murder, or an unborn baby isn't a person and can be killed up to birth. I suppose one could define personhood as "heartbeat", but that's contrived.
Wherever you define personhood, it's murder to kill a person born or unborn, and I don't see the value in allowing states to legalize murder.