OldGrayMere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much, but nobody in my family lives this long. It has been quite wonderful much of the time, and I wouldn't trade my kids for anything. God love you for your concern.

OldGrayMere 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oh, I do know the difference. My second fiance, whom I dearly loved, cheated on me with a girl nearly 10 years my junior, and impregnated her. My brother, who knew her and her family, said she and her mother (with 10 children) were very beautiful, and I am quite ordinary-looking.

So I saved all of every paycheck I could spare for four months, then put everything I owned into my car and moved two states away. He married the girl and they had a total of five children. I married a faithful man and had two children, the loves of my life. I've been widowed for eight years now, and will soon join my husband, since my physical health has deteriorated greatly (not vaccine-related). I just drew a bad gene package, apparently.

There will always be a part of me that still loves the lost fiance. He had only one flaw, and that happened to be one I couldn't accept. Family was my goal, and I didn't want to do it alone. God smiled on me, and I have forgiven all.

I have recently started watching Scott Adams again occasionally, because I value varied opinions on events of the day, and he covers most of them.

OldGrayMere 7 points ago +7 / -0

What about her "one night stand"? First it's an affair, then a one-night stand. These are not the same thing.

Also, Trump is a known germ-phobe, so he wouldn't have sex with this poor excuse of a woman who has been with so many others. About the woman who fantasized about rape in a dressing room; how stupid are all these jurors/judges if they actually believe this nonsense? Does no one know the man?

These are simply cases of hate poured into empty vessels. A good example is host of one of the Sunday morning shows; she used to be very attractive, but the transformation as she became more indoctrinated to leftist beliefs has left her very unattractive--almost evil-looking. It's really sad to see beauty so defiled.

Money explains most of it, probably.

OldGrayMere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump ordered only that a vaccine be made as soon as possible. He is always several steps ahead of everyone else, and had obviously heard about world plans for a pandemic to control the election, as well as to further world depopulation plans which were the subject of Ted talks for years and are even more openly advocated today.

Some of the evil people have even complained that not enough people have died as a result of their plans. It is necessary to read and listen to all the news, not just that which feeds our own biases. The only way I can keep track of the left mindset is to listen to the worst opinions out there, and some extended family hold those opinions as well, although their defense of the leftist opinion is weak at best.

Pence was a poor choice to oversee administration of the vaccine, and I have lost any respect I ever had for Fauci and Collins. I will not live to see tribunals, but there is a very long list who are guilty of treason and crimes against humanity.

My generation in this family will probably be gone before next year, although my own death will not be from vaccines. My 54 years of research into birth defects has been scrapped because it would have, by a circuitous route, added to the total life loss from the vaccine. At least the evil people did not know everything, or many more would have died. People are still dropping, and two more vaccinated family members have showed up this week with vaccine effects which will probably take their lives.

Please vote for Donald Trump to return this country and the world to sanity. He is obviously the choice God has made for us, and if you studied him as I have, you would know that in your heart. He is innocent of every charge which has been leveled against him, and I pray that God continues to protect him.

OldGrayMere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fauci and Gates should be at the top of the list, but Trump should not.

OldGrayMere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden took all materials illegally, because he was a senator and vice president, and has absolutely no immunity.

If SCOTUS rules against Trump our country is done.

OldGrayMere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, he does. He has the Truth on his side, and God loves the truth. Each of us must one day face God, and woe be to those who continue to deny Him.

I was firmly on Trump's side in 2016, and am even more committed to him today. Trump is the world's only hope on earth. He is a born leader who could persuade anyone within a half hour of conversation. I will never meet Trump in this life, but I hope to meet him someday on the other side, where Christ is our only hope.

Having watched videos where some wealthy "world leaders" have compared themselves to God, or have even said that they are "better than God" because they have created genetically changed versions of human beings, one can only imagine the scene when these "leaders" face God at the judgement all of us must face.

The genetically changed humans have been forced into so many new and formerly rare diseases, turbo cancers, and death. It's as though the first copy of the protective chromosome pair is being destroyed, thus allowing the recessive part of the gene package to become dominant and to produce diseases which might have been rarely passed forward, but not expressed. It is a beautiful design and worked rather perfectly most of the time, but the chaos sought by those who used "gain of function" is imperfect in every way, except to kill populations.

God knows our every thought, intention, and action. Could these evil people be saved? The Bible says that true repentance can save anyone. But can we even imagine one of these people deigning to admit to sin? So far I cannot.

Please pray for a change of heart for all of the current evil-doers, then step back and let God take control. He already holds all the cards.

OldGrayMere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump is blameless. He always does what is best for America, and it would be a much better world if every world leader also put his/her own country first. Trump knew what was planned by the evil world "leaders" and did what was necessary and ordered the vaccine. He never mandated its use, only the availability.

The background for Covid was set years before, and not by Trump. An honest jury would find everyone from Pence on down guilty at tribunal, but not Trump. So many who have committed actual Treason try to blame Trump for everything, to no avail. DC has become so stained by corruption that the center of our government should be moved, perhaps to the middle of the country. But please, avoid the New Madrid fault.

Read the Book of Daniel, which is about this kind of persecution. Donald Trump is our Daniel, and God will protect him as he did Daniel. He was chosen for this.

Donald Trump was long ago forgiven any sins he committed, but the current people persecuting him are continuing in their grievous behavior. They must repent and try to repair the damage they are doing in order to be forgiven. God is generous, but a hardened heart and a soul full of hate will make it harder for them to enter Heaven than the proverbial "rich man" the Bible mentions. Perhaps they prefer Hell.

OldGrayMere 42 points ago +42 / -0

This includes my VietNam veteran younger brother, who was refused needed oxygen unless he got the shot, which killed him. I miss him so much.

OldGrayMere 12 points ago +12 / -0

Some of my extended family tried to coerce me to have my entire family vaxxed, but I resist pressure and always do my own research. So I was excluded from all celebrations and gatherings, along with my unvaxxed children. Some members were given the jab and died as a result, often in less than a month. We never wish harm to our loved ones, and are never cruel in comments as this woman claims. Instead we pray for them and their survival and resistance to the effects of the vax.

I'm sorry for this woman, but she is tarring all of us with the same brush, as she complains others do to her. Change websites if people are cruel; don't just take it.

I'm so old I should have died long ago, but God has kept me around for some reason. I have nearly died several times; the last time was in December and I felt the presence of Jesus so close to me I could have reached out and touched Him. Perhaps He has something He wants me to do. I do not fear death, but would like to feel my life is complete when I finally die.

We should all have compassion for those who were fooled by the lies and the charlatans who promoted a treatment which killed or harmed so many. The evil people who claim they are God or better than God pushed the willing media to promote their lies. The vaccine was very effective; it's just that nobody explained the truth--that the effects we wanted were not what the evil people wanted.

What it has done to babies alone is extremely offensive. They actually push vaccines on pregnant women. This was not done when I was young. Now babies are at risk of abortion, vaccines during pregnancy, more vaccines immediately after birth, and throughout childhood. It's a wonder any child grows up any more.

I was 81 when I contracted Covid at a medical facility. I had no treatment for it and was better in about 24 hours. It's only because the elderly were herded into nursing homes and given the "life-saving" shot that we lost so many of our grandparents.

Please pray for all who have been damaged and whose families have been decimated by this "plandemic". And don't let them do this again. The willing media trots out every case of illness it can find in order to inspire panic in the people. And be kind to everyone, regardless of vax status.

It is also helpful to watch videos of near-death experiences. They are inspiring and may restore hope to people who are ill or worried about their futures.

OldGrayMere 6 points ago +6 / -0

But I most love the way the Trumps do July 4th. The music selections were incredible! And the fireworks not bad either.

OldGrayMere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Henry Fonda must have been a miserable father to have raised two such ungrateful and hateful children. My childhood was idyllic in most ways, although we were poor. We children had to earn our own money for yearbooks, class rings, and our school clothes. To that end I had many different jobs: babysitter with a large clientele, newspaper carrier (four miles daily), tutor (one student is now a millionaire), housemaid, wreath-maker, corn-shucker, and last but not least--potato picker.

This was one of my favorite jobs. The owners of the potato fields would come to our neighborhood and gather anyone who wanted to work that day. We would pick the potatoes out of the tilled soil, put them into baskets, then get a new basket. It was satisfying work, and I remember it fondly 75 years later.

We also had unlimited freedom and used to walk the railroad tracks to get places faster; that is no longer legal. It was a blissful childhood, and I am very grateful to this day.

Please vote for Donald Trump so that we can get back to normal. Thank you.

OldGrayMere 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know, but after several years I am no longer recognized by them.

OldGrayMere 5 points ago +5 / -0

TDW recently changed, and I can no longer post there. So I rarely read much there, preferring GAW, where I can still be one of the gang.

OldGrayMere 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looking at a recent photo of Trump with his grandchildren, I noticed how much they seem to love him. That has also been obvious with children wherever he goes. It brought to mind the song: "Everywhere you go, sunshine follows you". It describes Trump perfectly.

The children around Biden always look afraid and want to get away. Why is that?

OldGrayMere 5 points ago +5 / -0

Women who want to kill their babies will always find a way. The woman described here is so rare she would have killed her child anyway. All Trump did was favor the decision on abortion to be placed in all the individual states; he did not ban it. Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with Trump on this point, and she favored abortion.

The question of WHEN life begins is totally wrong. Life has continued since it first began. The correct question is when does a "NEW' life begin, and that is at conception, when sperm meets egg. The child who is conceived is a wholly NEW human being, never before living and never to be reproduced even by the same two parents in the future, despite having most of the same genes and chromosomes available. It is an ingenious design, even if one denies God.

I have family members who disagree, and who believe that women are pregnant for two weeks every month, because they believe that a pregnancy is 40 weeks, which includes the two weeks before conception. No consideration is given the male part of the family; only the egg is considered. In a normal case pregnancy takes 266 days, not 280. It is only calculated as 280 days because people need a fixed start, and the start of the last menstrual period provides this. That should be unnecessary now that most women have tests during gestation to calculate due date.

Also, male or female sex is not "assigned at birth" since the sex is determined 266 days earlier--at conception. Children are God's greatest gift, and He has given us so many gifts. That's my opinion, and I'll get off my soapbox now. I probably won't live to see the November election, but Trump/Donalds is my choice at present.

OldGrayMere 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's hilarious watching some of these radicals. They always accuse the former president of what the current administration is already doing, and nobody seems to bat an eye. Why is the same action acceptable when done by the left and criminal when planned by the right? Logic is missing from the left. Fortunately, people who have believed they were oppressed have wakened and now know who really were the oppressors. They will probably vote accordingly.

OldGrayMere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, she does. She sits in the leftist seat and talks over everyone else always with the leftmost possible opinion.

OldGrayMere 8 points ago +8 / -0

The steal won't work. Trump (Donald/Donalds) will win in a landslide more massive than one could imagine. Vice President should be Byron Donalds, who has been my choice since first hearing him speak months ago. He works well with Trump, is always well-prepared, and is trustworthy, unlike many of Trump's past associates who were forced upon him by RNC and others who do not have the best interests of Americans in heart or mind.

We will be going from the worst administration ever in our history to the best ever. As I approach my final reward, I am happy that I lived to see both. NCSWIC!

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