🚨Democrat Governor of Kentucky, Andrew Beshear, Calls For Member of J. D. Vance's Family To Be Raped! 🚨 🔥Vance Responds With Fire!🔥
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
He was not lawfully elected. Every other down ballot KY seat went to R's, except for this lockdown clown. Implausible.
We watched the vote count totals change live on TV. Bevin should have been the Gov!
Installed clown! Most likely McConnell's greasy hands all over this steal because Cameron was a Trump supporter.
The dims are going to use abortion, the gop needs to abandon this whole “can’t get an abortion for any reason “ argument. It’s a losing argument. That’s why Cameron lost or that’s how steal seemed legitimate. A large majority do not agree that there shouldn’t be exceptions. The gop needs to come to a rational middle ground on this or it’s going to lose them the election, plain and simple.
Trump himself has said he 100% supports the exceptions - rape, incest, life of mother. Seems they can't read OR hear.
They only see what is in their bubble.
Incest is rape. In every case. Consent is impossible.
There's no reason to turn those into separate categories.
The only medical condition requiring killing the baby to save the life of the Mother is when the fetus is stuck in the filopian tube. (According to Dr Rand Paul and some notable others anyway) That can never possibly result in a live birth and WI State law doesn't even consider it an abortion.
Yes these exceptions must be allowed for. Just like the Mother who chooses to give birth to the product of rape must be given that choice.
Allowing abortion for any cause up to 70 - 90 days is a standard a LOT of Countries use; it's a horrible compromise but a LOT better than the last 70 years in the US.
and these are the miniscule MINORITY of cases, even if you ask the research arm of PP, Guttmacher institute: (although I prefer to ask abort73.com, an oddly named pro-life site)
Doesn't exist.
There does exist a position that one must take to win currently, but it isn't rational.
Also, this whole take is weird considering that Trump constantly says he supports exceptions and that he ultimately is leaving it up to the states anyway, which have both basically become the de facto party platform. So what GOP are you talking about? It's not 2022 anymore kek
They were talking about Vances position. What is it, do we know? If it’s “no exceptions”, then that’s fucking retarded because that is going to lose them the election. It’s the only thing the Dems have and we need to take it away from them. Also, he didn’t say he wished Vances wife and daughter were raped. Everyone is just fucking going bonkers about this and that’s not what he said. I’m not defending the sob, I can’t stand the bastard. Personally I think 9 weeks should be the cutoff. If you haven’t made your mind up by then, it’s too late, if it’s a safety issue then there should obviously be exceptions and I’m sure there would be lefty doctors out there that would write an exception for whoever wanted one. The whole damn thing is a mess. Anyway, they are going all in on this abortion thing and it’s gonna bite them on the ass. Every time I see Trump he always has to yap about he was the guy that got it overturned and brags nonstop about it and how with the SCOTUS judges that he nominated, he got it done, nobody else could do it but by god he did. Forgod sakes, just shut the fuck up about it. But he can’t, he just can’t fucking do it and it’s gonna cost them the election and us, our country….trying to save a bunch of future democrat lunatics, those are the people getting abortions, fuck em, let them.
It's true that reason needs to prevail.
It's NOT true whatever is being told to you about election result, or whatever you're saying about an election that hasn't happened.
The only possible true statement happens after every legal vote has been counted, and every illegal vote discounted.
Yep. Seriously...FUCK BESHEAR. Tick tock, mother fucker.