Dot Connecting Anons
Holy crap. 🤯 are y'all paying attention?! Remember when I asked "how far back does this operation really go?!"Remember when Trump stood with Generals, and told us about the "calm before the storm?"What storm Mr President?... You'll find out. "Where is Jas...
I'll be very honest, after seeing Trump lose a very obviously stolen 2020 election and not seeing anyone answer for their sins in regards to said election and then seeing Trump get shot has left me less than 100% confident that Patriots are in complete control here and that everything is going to plan.
I’m sure I get downvoted for this but, I’ve been onboard with Q for a good while. Not day one, but a few years. My family thinks I’m nuts, my co workers think I’m nuts, and I basically no longer have friends. I’ve accepted the “it had to be this way to wake up the normies” and “you’re” watching a movie”, patriots are in control etc…. I’m holding on through November, but if ‘24 is stolen, we have to at some point admit that Q is the Great Pumpkin, and we are the ones being cheated out of tricks and treats. A fantastic operation to keep us complacent while the world reaches the point of no return. I pray every day that we are going to see this through, but it is difficult to keep the faith.