Dot Connecting Anons
Holy crap. 🤯 are y'all paying attention?! Remember when I asked "how far back does this operation really go?!"Remember when Trump stood with Generals, and told us about the "calm before the storm?"What storm Mr President?... You'll find out. "Where is Jas...
I'll be very honest, after seeing Trump lose a very obviously stolen 2020 election and not seeing anyone answer for their sins in regards to said election and then seeing Trump get shot has left me less than 100% confident that Patriots are in complete control here and that everything is going to plan.
I feel the same way. Seems like there should be many people executed for what they did but not sure anyone will be punished.
The Q posts were pretty clear that about 70% of them will get deals for cooperating. I’m hoping that the Justice they serve on the 30% (that are presumably the worst of them) will be so epic and meaningful that I’ll forget that they cut so many deals with the lackeys.
Point me to the post where it makes this pretty clear?
You would be surprised at how many have been taken care of already.
Didn't youtube bitch just "die"the other day?
Yep. Former CEO.
Didn’t a LOT of Rothschild bitches die over the last few years.
You’re correct, I would be. Pleasantly surprised.
The gaslighting about the election was the most effective ever seen in history. Virtually 100% flawless execution. Literally nobody is talking about the brazenly stolen 2020 election or the over 1000 election workers who signed their name to an affidavit and swore an oath under penalty of perjury that they personally witnessed or participated in various forms of election theft. Each one of those is considered admissible evidence in a court of law. Cardboard up in the windows to block the view of poll watchers is admissible evidence. The fake ballots printed on random Chinese paper is admissible evidence.
Yet you still have the likes of Bret Fucking Baer stammering like a robot, "No evidence of election fraud."
The gaslighting of election 2020 is the thinnest lie every said - so thin that all it takes is one puff for it all to come crumbling down.
No way this could have happened, unless WHs didn't want this to happen.
When people finally open their eyes and realise this, they will find themselves feeling so stupid.
The general public may never see many, I think some have already occurred, but the Q team still needed actors in their position to wake up the public to what has been happening.
Remember we are watching a movie, what makes a great movie? Central casting
I don’t believe in the whole actors thing.
Yes, people will pay for what they did, but these disclosures only have the maximum effect if it happens at the precipice. Otherwise its all meaningless.
The Plan is not "lets execute all the bad guys we can see".
It is, "Lets smoke out every single bad guy hiding in every corner, and make them take the world to the Precipice, so that 95% will wake up and at that point, there is no stopping them"
you should listen to Dave from X22 report, should clear up your doubts. This all had to happen this way
Yeah, Devolution has been very important to waking people up.
Even the most extreme "I'm shaking bc you didn't get vaccinated" guy at my work is agreeing with me TODAY that whit me privilege is a stupid myth. And he would literally shake at the talk of Trump or not getting vaccines.
People are changing, even if slowly
I’ve listened to Dave since he started. He has good takes and is entertaining. That said he constantly changes his narrative. He said for the longest time that the military would be running the election in November then one day changed his story. I guess because the election is getting closer and there is no indication that the military will be involved.
Same here. He does great analysis, gives his opinion but says we’ll have to see how it plays out. I much prefer that stance of not saying he’s right or has phony inside info like so many others do. He is tops in my view, and I start my day with him to bump up my sanity for the day. And don’t rule out that military yet. Things could change quite quickly.
Agree with you frens. He’s gone MIA last 3/4 nights I think prob on vacation which is cool. The guys done some solid work, 1000’s of eps, and two daily podcasts. His catalog of interviews with people in trumps circle is extensive. X22 Spotlight Interviews
I just looked at all states early voting - several start as early as Sept 23.
Dave doesn't analyze he narrates. I was an analyst and it looks nothing like what dave does. People confuse data and analysis of data all the time.
The military is involved. We just won't see them. The military was involved in the 2016 election and we didn't see them at that time.
This. Their control didn’t get WEAKER from 2016 to 2020, and suddenly go away in 2021 and vanish since then.
So much has already been taken care of. Trump will be able to hit the ground running.
Patriots are in control! Stage is being set! We are watching a movie! Everything we've watched for the at least the last 8 years has been done by the White Hats!
I don't think people can tell you're being sarcastic. Need the /s.
I’m sure I get downvoted for this but, I’ve been onboard with Q for a good while. Not day one, but a few years. My family thinks I’m nuts, my co workers think I’m nuts, and I basically no longer have friends. I’ve accepted the “it had to be this way to wake up the normies” and “you’re” watching a movie”, patriots are in control etc…. I’m holding on through November, but if ‘24 is stolen, we have to at some point admit that Q is the Great Pumpkin, and we are the ones being cheated out of tricks and treats. A fantastic operation to keep us complacent while the world reaches the point of no return. I pray every day that we are going to see this through, but it is difficult to keep the faith.