posted ago by FullAmpleSally ago by FullAmpleSally +41 / -0

Quick story:

The other day a 30 something gentleman came to my door. Large bearded guy, looked like a gamer type. Very sweaty and…smelly, even at two arms length. He had a large sticker on his chest with Trump on it and a flyer in his hand. My first thought and instinct was…this is not a Trump guy. At all.

So he asked me if I plan on voting absentee. I said “No, I only vote in person.” He followed up with a story of how “we” lost PA by only a few thousand votes, and many people aren’t able to vote in person so it’s good to have a back up etc etc”

I replied “I guarantee you I will be there in person to vote”. I had to get back to work so I told him bye and he moved on. He made a point to mention some PAC he was with that I didn’t hear.

It seems Dems are still up to their ballot harvesting games, but in this case it’s going to your door to get your ballot for Trump.