These traitors are probably already dead! Dangerous actors were taken out first! It would be on the news; yeah ; not if Patriots are in total control! I heard Bin Laden died in a hospital in June 2001, yet Obama sent Seal Team 6 to take him in 2010! Unfortunately Seal Team 6 they all died in an attack subsequently! Wake up! Who runs the world can make us believe anything they so desire! Good thing Patriots are now in control!
These traitors are probably already dead! Dangerous actors were taken out first! It would be on the news; yeah ; not if Patriots are in total control! I heard Bin Laden died in a hospital in June 2001, yet Obama sent Seal Team 6 to take him in 2010! Unfortunately Seal Team 6 they all died in an attack subsequently! Wake up! Who runs the world can make us believe anything they so desire! Good thing Patriots are now in control!