I've Done the actual Research, I have Disproven Connections in lots of of things she has tried to connect, and you probably just took it all in as Purest of Truths, Don't Do That, it's not helping anyone in any way....
Although I despise the SPLC, and want them Shut down and Deported, on this one issue, I agree with them....
Oh, so Bill Cooper, Eustace Mullins, John Quade, L.B. Bork, Emmerich de Vattel, ALL of the Founders, Charles Sprinkle, Charlotte Iserbyt, Norman Dodd, and my own Friend, Judge Jiggs Hazen, to name a few, must surely be very much uninformed in direct comparison to you and your Exalted Learnings and Intellect....
At age 15, after breaking a Law, I stood in front of Judge Hazen, and tried to argue the case from a Common Law POV, it didn't go well, and after my three Months Probation, he asked me if I really wanted to Learn Law, of course I said yes....
He taught me HOW to Study Law, NOT what parts to study, and this was in 1981, so yeah, I have knowledge, as his First advice was, Use a Dictionary, any Dictionary, but most preferably a Law Dictionary when possible....
But I'll just give you some Tiny Clues about what I know::
Yeah, you know soo much more than I do, I'm only 58, and have ONLY been studying Laws from different directions since I was 15, I surely do not know as much as you do, even though I have won arguments against Law Professors, yeah you're right, you're ""smerter"" than me...
The American Government is a "republican form of government", from its roots at the county level, to its top offices and institutions.
It is not now and never has been a democracy.
There is a profound difference between our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a British Crown Corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated".
Our unincorporated Union States, each one composed of all the living people populating all the unincorporated Counties within their State borders, created both the Federation of States (1776) and the Confederation of States (1781) as unincorporated instrumentalities.
What does that mean? Both the Federation and the Confederation were designed and intended to work for the Union States in international and global venues, as "instruments" or "agents" to conduct business.
The American Confederation created in 1781 was additionally awarded a Constitutional Service Contract in 1787.
This original Confederation did business as "the States of America" and the Constitutional Contract it was awarded was called "The Constitution for the united States of America".
This original Confederation ran the resulting Federal Republic from 1787 to 1861, when it lost the quorum of its member States-of-States organizations needed to conduct business.
As a direct result of this failure to maintain unity the Federal Republic (the American Federal Subcontractor providing government services under The Constitution for the united States of America) and its members all known as "State Republics" (land) or "Republics of State" (sea) also lost the ability to function.
A third of our original American Government and a third of the Federal Government (the American third) were both taken out of service by the so-called Civil War and never reconstructed afterward.
What remains of the American Government are the Union states holding our National Soil Jurisdiction and our Federation of States olding our International and Global jurisdictions.
What remains of the "United States" Federal Government are the British Territorial Subcontractors and the Holy Roman Empire Subcontractors, and/or their Successors.
Think of it as a six-celled combustion engine running on four cylinders.
The American Government is still fully functional despite these injuries; we retain concurrent and superior general jurisdiction over the actual physical Counties and States, and maintain their mutual powers internationally and globally via our Federation of States.
The "US" Government continues to unravel in a heap of European intrigue, criminality, and deceit, having pulled off a huge scam, mounting to a nationallevel identity theft and personation scheme against their American Employers and the American Government.
The incorporated "United States Government" entities are functionally bankrupt and only being limped along by colluding banks that are continuing to bar us from access to our own assets and pretending that these white collar criminals are our representatives and custodians.
Your ignorance is astounding.
My Ignorance???
I've Done the actual Research, I have Disproven Connections in lots of of things she has tried to connect, and you probably just took it all in as Purest of Truths, Don't Do That, it's not helping anyone in any way....
Although I despise the SPLC, and want them Shut down and Deported, on this one issue, I agree with them....
She applied her own mix-nMatch Law, and this is where it got her, for Being Wrong::
This is what happens when people listen to her, and APPLY her version of the Game Mix-n-Match Law::
She is as Bad, or possibly even WORSE than David Wilcock, and Robert something, one is in Japan and the other is in China....
But She is here, and a total Fraud....
Careful here, I have been at this much longer than you. Your research, above, is very shallow.
If you believe the claims in these links than it is obvious that you have not done actually done 'your' research.
Here, we go our separate ways.
Good luck redeeming your Dinars Dongs & Zims at the so called redemption centers.
Keep listening to Floyd and Buy!ngtun and cross your fingers.
Let us all know how that works out for you.
Oh, so Bill Cooper, Eustace Mullins, John Quade, L.B. Bork, Emmerich de Vattel, ALL of the Founders, Charles Sprinkle, Charlotte Iserbyt, Norman Dodd, and my own Friend, Judge Jiggs Hazen, to name a few, must surely be very much uninformed in direct comparison to you and your Exalted Learnings and Intellect....
At age 15, after breaking a Law, I stood in front of Judge Hazen, and tried to argue the case from a Common Law POV, it didn't go well, and after my three Months Probation, he asked me if I really wanted to Learn Law, of course I said yes....
He taught me HOW to Study Law, NOT what parts to study, and this was in 1981, so yeah, I have knowledge, as his First advice was, Use a Dictionary, any Dictionary, but most preferably a Law Dictionary when possible....
But I'll just give you some Tiny Clues about what I know::
I own one of these::
Yeah, you know soo much more than I do, I'm only 58, and have ONLY been studying Laws from different directions since I was 15, I surely do not know as much as you do, even though I have won arguments against Law Professors, yeah you're right, you're ""smerter"" than me...
Here is what you are failing to grasp:
The American Government is a "republican form of government", from its roots at the county level, to its top offices and institutions.
It is not now and never has been a democracy.
There is a profound difference between our unincorporated Federation of States doing business as The United States of America, and a British Crown Corporation merely calling itself "the United States of America, Incorporated".
Our unincorporated Union States, each one composed of all the living people populating all the unincorporated Counties within their State borders, created both the Federation of States (1776) and the Confederation of States (1781) as unincorporated instrumentalities.
What does that mean? Both the Federation and the Confederation were designed and intended to work for the Union States in international and global venues, as "instruments" or "agents" to conduct business.
The American Confederation created in 1781 was additionally awarded a Constitutional Service Contract in 1787.
This original Confederation did business as "the States of America" and the Constitutional Contract it was awarded was called "The Constitution for the united States of America".
This original Confederation ran the resulting Federal Republic from 1787 to 1861, when it lost the quorum of its member States-of-States organizations needed to conduct business.
As a direct result of this failure to maintain unity the Federal Republic (the American Federal Subcontractor providing government services under The Constitution for the united States of America) and its members all known as "State Republics" (land) or "Republics of State" (sea) also lost the ability to function.
A third of our original American Government and a third of the Federal Government (the American third) were both taken out of service by the so-called Civil War and never reconstructed afterward.
What remains of the American Government are the Union states holding our National Soil Jurisdiction and our Federation of States olding our International and Global jurisdictions.
What remains of the "United States" Federal Government are the British Territorial Subcontractors and the Holy Roman Empire Subcontractors, and/or their Successors.
Think of it as a six-celled combustion engine running on four cylinders.
The American Government is still fully functional despite these injuries; we retain concurrent and superior general jurisdiction over the actual physical Counties and States, and maintain their mutual powers internationally and globally via our Federation of States.
The "US" Government continues to unravel in a heap of European intrigue, criminality, and deceit, having pulled off a huge scam, mounting to a nationallevel identity theft and personation scheme against their American Employers and the American Government.
The incorporated "United States Government" entities are functionally bankrupt and only being limped along by colluding banks that are continuing to bar us from access to our own assets and pretending that these white collar criminals are our representatives and custodians.