Thanks for your post. It helped me to recall some vague tenuous connections I had in my head between Red Line and Red October that I never could resolve.
great outline of the clues and events! This lines up with original Red October of 1917 on the Julian calendar Oct. 24-25 occurring on modern Gregorian calendar Nov. 6-7. ____ Does The Hunt for Red October include the meaning of the election steals, as the Bolshevik Revolution was the overthrow of the Russian government with Communism, and that what the globalists keep working on in the USA?
Drop 643 defines Firing RR = Red Line Drop 643
RR replaced with Matt Whitaker 11/7/2018, which suggests Red October event on 11/7/2017 or 11/7/2016.
11/7/2016 was the day before the 2016 presidential election.
11/7/2017 was the day for off-year elections, including gubernatorial and congressional seats, which mostly went +D.
Drops on 11/7/2017 seem focused on cutting the financial and protective puppet strings in Saudia Arabia and maybe North Korea. Drops from 11/7/2017
So possibly Red October was 11/7/2017 - cutting financial and control strings, including politicians leaving offices.
Those are good points. I will have to do another dig on all Red October posts and see if anything new comes up. Thanks for sharing this!
Thanks for your post. It helped me to recall some vague tenuous connections I had in my head between Red Line and Red October that I never could resolve.
great outline of the clues and events! This lines up with original Red October of 1917 on the Julian calendar Oct. 24-25 occurring on modern Gregorian calendar Nov. 6-7. ____ Does The Hunt for Red October include the meaning of the election steals, as the Bolshevik Revolution was the overthrow of the Russian government with Communism, and that what the globalists keep working on in the USA?
Multiple meanings do apply. Valid connections.