No, I actually mean an inbuilt desire for totalitarianism.
Okay, that is the extreme form. So, more accurately, an inbuilt desire for authoritarianism. At least the definition of totalitarianism I have most often seen is about what Wikipedia uses: "a political system and a form of government that prohibits opposition political parties, disregards and outlaws the political claims of individual and group opposition to the state, and controls the public sphere and the private sphere of society."
Most of us would like to do at least some level of silencing of people who have views that clash badly with ours. And to keep them away from any power in our communities. That is, also, to some extent, absolutely necessary when those views are ones that would clearly damage said societies - using more extreme examples, think something like mixing some extreme types of religious cult beliefs with politics, maybe the Manson family, or School of Prophets, or those people who seem to seriously think that pedophiles should have the right to pursue their desires freely.
But where is the line after which you should not silence somebody? Or strip them of their right to do something like enter politics and try to push their agenda that way? A lot of people who would absolutely deny any desire for a totalitarian society seem still be quite willing to go far enough with strong-arming people who have opinions they don't like that to all purposes the end result might still seem like that at least from some point of views.
I think that that desire to silence people whose opinions you don't like is a pretty strong part of the reasons why we have ended in the mess we are now in the first place. The DS, or any cabal, would not have been able to get as much power as they have if they hadn't been able to get as many people to go along with it as they have. Part of that is the brainwashing and seduction done in schools and through popular culture, but the other part is that desire to make people whose opinions you don't like to shut up. Which pretty much is inbuilt in humans. So, far too many accept that when it happens if given the flimsiest excuse as to why it is necessary, when it's something "their tribe" doesn't like.
No, I actually mean an inbuilt desire for totalitarianism.
Okay, that is the extreme form. So, more accurately, an inbuilt desire for authoritarianism. At least the definition of totalitarianism I have most often seen is about what Wikipedia uses: "a political system and a form of government that prohibits opposition political parties, disregards and outlaws the political claims of individual and group opposition to the state, and controls the public sphere and the private sphere of society."
Most of us would like to do at least some level of silencing of people who have views that clash badly with ours. And to keep them away from any power in our communities. That is, also, to some extent, absolutely necessary when those views are ones that would clearly damage said societies - using more extreme examples, think something like mixing some extreme types of religious cult beliefs with politics, maybe the Manson family, or School of Prophets, or those people who seem to seriously think that pedophiles should have the right to pursue their desires freely.
But where is the line after which you should not silence somebody? Or strip them of their right to do something like enter politics and try to push their agenda that way? A lot of people who would absolutely deny any desire for a totalitarian society seem still be quite willing to go far enough with strong-arming people who have opinions they don't like that to all purposes the end result might still seem like that at least from some point of views.
I think that that desire to silence people whose opinions you don't like is a pretty strong part of the reasons why we have ended in the mess we are now in the first place. The DS, or any cabal, would not have been able to get as much power as they have if they hadn't been able to get as many people to go along with it as they have. Part of that is the brainwashing and seduction done in schools and through popular culture, but the other part is that desire to make people whose opinions you don't like to shut up. Which pretty much is inbuilt in humans. So, far too many accept that when it happens if given the flimsiest excuse as to why it is necessary, when it's something "their tribe" doesn't like.