posted ago by dominickmilford ago by dominickmilford +158 / -0

In the past two days RFK Jr. has been exceptionally eloquent and delivered some very inspiring messages to both the supporters in his camp and the new tent of MAGA folk he has bravely walked into. Simultaneously he has levied some extremely damning criticisms of his former affiliation, what is still referred to as "the Democrat party."

That couldn't have been easy for him, considering that being a Democrat was practically a birthright for him - and he has endured estrangement and will likely be further ostracized by a great deal of his family for partnering up with our side. It was stated, not completely humorously, that his wife would divorce him if he ever endorsed Trump. (Forget if he said it or she did) Well, he did that and one further by entering into a full on partnership with him, putting him into an orbit as close as Vance or Elon Musk has with Trump. Yikes.

Rfk's perspective on the true meaning of MAGA is erudite, well- thought through and articulate in its composition and layout. It feels written with much ardor and passion, recalling the days of Camelot in our country and suturing that unique, Kennedy-devised vision of American utopia to the once-was part of the slogan. [Again]

That idyllic world, the values of that vision, was abruptly thwarted and taken off the table twice by the same cause: an assassin's bullet. I think its fairly well known by now in our circles that Sirhan ran out of bullets before RFK was shot.

Now Trump if elected will put sunlight to disinfect that awful, rotted corner of our history at last. In many ways, that wound, so long ignored and left untreated, was the beginning of the infection and fever which now is a mortal danger to our government, politics and way of life.

Lies, like wounds, will fester if they are hidden and never addressed.

JFK Jr. said of his dear friend Donald Trump: "if [Trump] ever decided to sacrifice his ... [lifestyle] to become President he would be an unstoppable force for ultimate justice that Republicans and Democrats would celebrate."

Just take a moment and read that again. This was from the June 1999 issue of GEORGE just a month before the plane crash in July. How close to reality was this prediction? First thing I noticed was JFK Jr. does NOT say Donald will "throw his hat in the ring," "get into politics," "run for office."

If he decides to [...] BECOME PRESIDENT.

This is a statement of fact. If he decides to become the President of the United States. No if no maybe no starting a career in politics. NYC Mayor, or the Senate? NO. IF Trump wants, he goes RIGHT to the top. This seems more than a pleasant compliment. It speaks to a plan being in place, if Donald so chooses to ever want to do it. If he does he will BE The American President. Wow.

Moving on. Here I am looking at similarities between the Kennedy family and Trump, specifically JFK and his time in office. Obviously battles have different weapons and tactics 50+ years apart but a lot seems comparable.

Nearly a decade past Trump coming down the escalator, past the multiple coup attempts by [DS], covert operations to stifle and dismantle his Presidency beginning before he even took office, past the exposure of the media as the propaganda arm of permanent Washington, past the release of a pathogen in 2020 to beguile his successes, all in the lead up to a massive global operation aimed at denying him the Presidency in 2020, likely the largest conceived and coordinated plan of its kind in world history? Past the open combat through lawfare and the media, the outright deceptions, the never-ending lies and slander? Past an assassination attempt?

Think of that phrase again: an unstoppable force for ultimate justice.

Justice is about bringing truth into the light of day.

To date, Trump has effectively confirmed: the generals recruited him to run in 2016. Multiple instances he has referred to the Biden win in 2020 and the administration as "a pause." Most recently, he alluded to the idea that former President Obama gave (or sold) the Russians hypersonic missile technology which we developed. Allusions to McCain as a traitor, unbelievably controversial at first. (But notice how they never bring it up anymore? And the bulwark of RINO resistance in AZ...) Allusions to Joe Biden not being the same person who was Obama's VP.

There's much more. The diverted plane over Hawaii airspace. The references to the real causes of 9/11. Warnings of how technological advances in warfare would make potential worldwide conflict (WW3) catastrophic to human existence.

One that I can never get out of my mind, his speech shortly after the Red Puddle 2022 Primary, he seemed promise a big reveal of some kind at the upcoming speech via Truth Social post, and how that seemed to link up to (and possibly change?) international news reports early that morning of a "nuclear" strike on Ukraine by the Russians, some kind of catastrophic missile strike, devastation in Ukraine, oh the humani- ... oh wait, nevermind now. False alarm world not on fire!

The going rate was that it seemed as though Trump was threatening to expose them via [DECLAS] in the speech, and it scared them enough to force them into abandoning some kind of escalation in the conflict, seemingly aimed at stoking the daisy-chain doomsday events into happening. For the uninitiated [DECLAS] is a way of saying he would reveal the biggest secrets: the deepest, darkest most highly classified U.S. intel.

So maybe Trump stopped WW3 or maybe he didn't. But interestingly they DID raid Mar-a-Lago a few short months later, signalling the start of their direct campaign of lawfare in earnest.

... that Republicans and Democrats would celebrate.

Well, as I have outlined with all the recollections above it should be blatantly obvious that Republican and Democrat POLITICIANS certainly did not and do not "celebrate" Trump. To be sure, at least ONE screaming match using the words "should have had" and "superdelegates" has occured in a property owned by the Bush family in the years since 2016. 🤣

He snuck through one of the few cracks that existed within the system, where the voting public could actually affect things. Still, let it not be forgotten that he spent years cozying up to the Clintons as NYC Democrat and donor, paying to attend Chelsea's wedding, etc. The Clintons ENCOURAGED HIM TO RUN and their campaign strategists believed he would be the EASIEST REPUBLICAN FOR HILLARY TO RUN AGAINST.

Nothing like having the villains invite you in to the party, eh!?

I know there was one specific date in the 2016 run up where he was speaking and the content of it was causing many sets of eyeballs to widen in real time. He had won the Republican Primary already; it seemed as though he went from being thought of as a bit of a buffoon to a grave danger overnight. They looked on in horror as he talked without a filter, no longer the backroom bankroll buddy they knew him as for decades, no longer a trusted insider who would keep up the facade and do his part to dupe John Q. Public.

However that person, that truth teller who will report back his findings after being let into the halls of power where none of us are worthy enough to go... that's the one "Republicans and Democrats will celebrate." Amazing, this is happening right before our eyes in a time of miracles.

Make America Healthy Again. Consider. It started with "draining the swamp," now are we going to zero in on the human body after we got the body politic on life support and in recovery? This story is becoming something amazing.

I know you are thinking: but Dom, we haven't even faced down the [DS] yet!?!? I'm going to say there are different viewpoints on just how much progress we have made, so far. Certainly the cancer is still active and needs to be treated further, but we can all agree that progress has been made to identify and at least start treatment so far.

Yes, it seems we are inches from an outcome that seems fatal but can we ever truly know how close we were before 2016?

Since that election, Trump has endorsed hundreds of candidates and flipped dozens of seats to a stalwart, legitimate MAGA candidate from the typical starting point of anti-humanist Democrat OR captured RINO Republican. We've made bigger gains in the House and still have work to do in the Senate.

It feels like forever but we are starting from scratch. The process of not just separating all the barnacles but also rewinding decades of psychological manipulation on the American voter is a an arduous one. We are talking about a level of Stockholm syndrome where Congress routinely had 10% approval and a 90% re-election rate... we were in a very bad place.

From a place where likely 90+% of the Republican party took an anti-Trump bent and most of them actively fighting him in some way, today we have closer to a third MAGA and likely can go above 50% short term. We have made in-roads with populist liberals and there are far less reservations today with voting Trump and owning it publicly.

Think also about how many abdicated their seats or retired due to Trump. The existential threat of Trump and MAGA to those corrupt ones has caused dozens of resignations. Furthermore the pressure on those who remain is CONSTANTLY ratcheting upwards.

Want to know what throws that into overdrive? How about a committed and honest former Democrat candidate who has an impassioned mission to STOP the corporate capture over our regulatory agencies, in particular the ones dealing with health, food and drug safety, who have run amok with reckless abandon second only to the Defense lobby.(the ultimate parasite in the nest)

How about removing us from foreign entanglements and not starting new wars? Stopping the censorship and government campaigns to silence dissent?

I keep thinking about that hug. These men know each other better than it seems is what that hug told me. There was emotion in it. You don't go through what Bobby went through as a child and NOT carry a deep desire to right the wrongs. JFK Jr. just like his cousin, lost his father and his uncle as a child. Trump through having him as a close friend knows and empathizes with that pain that was in Jr. and Bobby's heart.

I think families get closer after tragedy. The age and history of JFK and RFK Jr. respectively influences me to think they were closer than public personas might have let on... just like their Dads were. Trump and RFK Jr have stayed separate in the public eye, but I wonder what this means to [DS] .... feels like a nightmare alliance to me.

RFK Jr. laid it out in his post today: the America we want to go back to is one that never was, one they denied us. We want to bring the vision of Camelot to life at long last. They stopped two members of the Kennedy family.

They stopped Nixon in his 2nd term, where I believe he would have shifted. They neutralized Reagan and tired the old man out. They snuck around him easily in his diminished capacity. Then at last, the Clintons opened the door and let them complete their takeover.

MAGA is the will of the people long silenced; MAGA is the voice of the voiceless. MAGA is common sense, shooting straight and speaking our truth as everyday people who happily work hard to keep the lights on. MAGA is Republicans and Democrats UNITED to become the UNSTOPPABLE FORCE which will bring ULTIMATE JUSTICE to our land.

One last thought: the fact that George Bush was thought to be a possible speaker at last week's DNC should speak VOLUMES about where we are at and where we have come from. They are ALL under the tent of Democrat now, neolib and neocon alike. The labels don't matter anymore; they no longer have the NUMBERS to do the puppet show and staff two FULL parties. We have thinned the herd.

Keep your heads up, good things are coming.

I can't wait for October. Godspeed all.