This is the documentary that turned me into an anon. There are a few claims that are inaccurate, but overall an amazing explanation of why we’re in the financial mess we’re in.
They make quite a few mistakes. This is not uncommon for these types of "exposures" because there is a constant underlying social refusal to acknowledge the intentions, or even the existence of the Cabal. Thus most of these types of exposures make quite a few errors trying to fill in the gaps left by the refusal to admit what is really going on (that there exists a single effective entity pulling all the strings).
Having said that, this documentary was an excellent introduction for me to spring board my own investigation. If not for this show and the things it got right (which are quite a few) I wouldn't have had the framework required to have done a thorough enough investigation to know how rife with errors it is.
This is the documentary that turned me into an anon. There are a few claims that are inaccurate, but overall an amazing explanation of why we’re in the financial mess we’re in.
They make quite a few mistakes. This is not uncommon for these types of "exposures" because there is a constant underlying social refusal to acknowledge the intentions, or even the existence of the Cabal. Thus most of these types of exposures make quite a few errors trying to fill in the gaps left by the refusal to admit what is really going on (that there exists a single effective entity pulling all the strings).
Having said that, this documentary was an excellent introduction for me to spring board my own investigation. If not for this show and the things it got right (which are quite a few) I wouldn't have had the framework required to have done a thorough enough investigation to know how rife with errors it is.
Well put!