Rising to power in the wake of the Classic Maya collapse, Chichén Itzá was among the largest and most influential cities of the ancient Maya, but much about its political connections and ritual life remain poorly understood. In a new study in Nature, researchers discover a practice of ritual child sacrifice focused exclusively on males. Close kin relationships, including two pairs of identical twins, suggests a connection to the Maya origin myths of the Popol Vuh.
Yes, it's not news that several South American civilizations committed ritual sacrifice. The article describes finding "a practice of ritual child sacrifice focused exclusively on males" when it had often been thought that these sacrifices were primarily of females. Not an important detail, to me anyway, but I wanted to get the topic of child sacrifice out there in this post.
It's an interesting point you make that many of the Cartel kidnappings and killings South of the border are likely motivated in part by death cult beliefs from centuries ago, which never really died out.
The public needs to (and is starting to) wake up to the fact that right here in present-day America (and plenty of other places), child sacrifice is going on, and widely. That's the only reason for my post; just another small push of that reality out into the world. (includes short video of Trump speaking).