OFFICIAL GAW POLICY ANNOUNCEMENT: RFK Jr. mentioned 'chemtrails' (among other
now formerly 'fringe' conspiracies, LOL) in his recent speech. THIS DOES NOT MEAN IT'S OPEN SEASON FOR CHEMTARDS, BUT—it means 'chemtrails' is is now officially on Q. The mods will take our Q's from RFK Jr. on this topic!

Few things they do make me more angry than them stealing my beautiful skies from the children. The skies look nothing like they did whenI was young.
So, basically:
I spend over a decade of my life working around airplanes—first as a refueller at the YYC and then in airline operations & training with a major Canadian airline. The reason things have changed is because things have CHANGED, and I mean radically so. I'm old enough to remember an entirely different airline industry.
You don't see the "same contrails" because you don't "see" the same planes. And back then the jet engines weren't as advanced as they are today. The skies back then were jam packed with jets like the 727, MD-8X, the 737-200, and the most common engine in the skies were the low-bypass turbofan engines such as the Pratt & Whitney JT8D (look up a pic of it!). These engines were dramatically less efficient and produced way more emissions compared to modern high-bypass turbofans. Low-bypass engines have a smaller ratio of air bypassing the core to air passing through the core, making them less efficient, the exhaust has significantly higher levels of unburnt hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides, and tons of small dusty particulates. Look up a 727 taking off. They look like a B-52! They mixed with whatever water vapour was in the exhaust and quickly fell to Earth. See how dirty they are??
THAT'S why they were different.
You are correct, you are noticing changes, but it's time to "notice WHAT you are noticing." Damn right things have changed since you were a kid, and here's what's changed:
THAT is what you are seeing over the past 20 years. Flying at FL250 (25,000 feet) generally results in fewer contrails compared to FL350 (35,000 feet) due to atmospheric conditions. At higher altitudes like FL350, the air is FAR colder and more humid, which are prime conditions for contrail formation when the moisture in the air condenses and freezes around aircraft engine exhaust particles. In contrast, at FL250, the air is typically warmer and less saturated with moisture, reducing the likelihood of contrail formation as the conditions are less conducive to the moisture in the exhaust freezing into ice crystals.
THAT is why you see more contrails.
But of course, It's not changes to the airplanes or the airlines or the way we fly or the fact that you can fly from New York to LA for 500 bucks these days. It's the CIA!
Not one reply to this. Just down votes. It's all true
I honestly appreciate the time you took to lay that out, but you are just uninformed about chemtrails. There is a ton of information out there about weather control. There are (a few) pilots who have blown the whistle from within the programs . Spend more time looking at the sky from the ground. Thise are not contrails. Contrail will remain stable behind a plane for roughly a mile while chemtrails blanket the entirety of the sky. Watch a nice clear day turn into a grey dreary sky after watching one or two planes as they dump minerals and chemicals from horizon to horizon. Consider greater weather changes when there are many planes laying grid patterns. Patterns that I can assure you have no place in commercial flight.
These are no longer rumors. You can find programs in universities dedicated to this. Tennessee just banned them as did, I believe, Connecticut. A strange thing to do for something that doesn't exist.
Below is a documentary that I highly recommend you watch. Below that link is a link to an interview with the creator of the documentary. He is probably the most studied and informed person on this topic, not involved with their programs. Below that is a presentation by. Air Force whistle blower Kristen Meghan. There is so much information out there if you look fir it, but the best place to look is up.