I see the problem - it’s a simple one… “No? But you lose your registration when you die, unless it’s voter fraud” - there is no “lose your registration” until someone removes you when you die from the voter rolls. It is this action that is not getting done. There is no magic “lose your registration when you die” fairy. And so 457k people hadn’t been removed and they now are. Good job TX. Being in a voter roll doesn’t mean you voted… it means you are registered to vote. If you don’t get it by now I dont know what to tell you but it’s this kind of thing that some lefty sees while trolling here and you get Rachel Madcow laughing about Trump supporters thinking half a million dead people voted in TX - which if you read the article to begin with isn’t what was said. trying to keep mud off of GAW’s face here by calling out a misstep when I see it.
At least half a million dead people did vote in Texas, and were illegally registered in the first place. End of. It's really that simple. It's completely obvious from just common sense. I don't know how you don't get it. It's exactly what this board is for to disclose that. In fact, I'll go one further- even if (somehow) none of that happened, it would still be true because it is in Trump's interests.
You keep stating what isn't in the article... and what is missleading about the subject here. Where are you getting they were illegally registered to begin with? The article says there are half a million dead people on the voter rolls. This seems to be the magical leap you are magic in you head. There are half a million people on the voter rolls that more than likely voted LEGALLY when they were alive and registered LEGALLY. They have since died. They weren't removed from the rolls. THERE IS NO OTHER INFORMATION. I would argue it makes much more sense they were all 100% legally registered and legally voted in the past. They died and were not removed from the rolls. How is this hard to understand? Now that they are dead and still on the rolls someone "may" have used them to vote - but that info isn't in the article either. Logics and Critical Thinking 101 was a useful class after all I guess... even if that was 30 years ago.
They were illegally registered because they weren't American citizens to begin with. The only legal vote (IMHO) is a Trump vote, so since these were all anti-Trump votes, they cannot have been legal votes, most likely because they were never citizens.
Faith and revelation are the sources of knowledge, not reason. Or reading the MSM
You are confusing the non-citizens.... again, go read the article as you have missed this. The dead voters removed WERE NOT non-citizens (well, probably a few were given the bit removed - but that's not important here as it would be small %)
Re-read the source please - you have missed some important details. There are separate stats for non-citizens removed and dead voters removed and I think you are confusing them together. I'm not going to reply again here but you are mistaken.
Regardless - NCSWIC! (we're on the same side here after all, fren)
I see the problem - it’s a simple one… “No? But you lose your registration when you die, unless it’s voter fraud” - there is no “lose your registration” until someone removes you when you die from the voter rolls. It is this action that is not getting done. There is no magic “lose your registration when you die” fairy. And so 457k people hadn’t been removed and they now are. Good job TX. Being in a voter roll doesn’t mean you voted… it means you are registered to vote. If you don’t get it by now I dont know what to tell you but it’s this kind of thing that some lefty sees while trolling here and you get Rachel Madcow laughing about Trump supporters thinking half a million dead people voted in TX - which if you read the article to begin with isn’t what was said. trying to keep mud off of GAW’s face here by calling out a misstep when I see it.
At least half a million dead people did vote in Texas, and were illegally registered in the first place. End of. It's really that simple. It's completely obvious from just common sense. I don't know how you don't get it. It's exactly what this board is for to disclose that. In fact, I'll go one further- even if (somehow) none of that happened, it would still be true because it is in Trump's interests.
You keep stating what isn't in the article... and what is missleading about the subject here. Where are you getting they were illegally registered to begin with? The article says there are half a million dead people on the voter rolls. This seems to be the magical leap you are magic in you head. There are half a million people on the voter rolls that more than likely voted LEGALLY when they were alive and registered LEGALLY. They have since died. They weren't removed from the rolls. THERE IS NO OTHER INFORMATION. I would argue it makes much more sense they were all 100% legally registered and legally voted in the past. They died and were not removed from the rolls. How is this hard to understand? Now that they are dead and still on the rolls someone "may" have used them to vote - but that info isn't in the article either. Logics and Critical Thinking 101 was a useful class after all I guess... even if that was 30 years ago.
They were illegally registered because they weren't American citizens to begin with. The only legal vote (IMHO) is a Trump vote, so since these were all anti-Trump votes, they cannot have been legal votes, most likely because they were never citizens.
Faith and revelation are the sources of knowledge, not reason. Or reading the MSM
You are confusing the non-citizens.... again, go read the article as you have missed this. The dead voters removed WERE NOT non-citizens (well, probably a few were given the bit removed - but that's not important here as it would be small %)
Re-read the source please - you have missed some important details. There are separate stats for non-citizens removed and dead voters removed and I think you are confusing them together. I'm not going to reply again here but you are mistaken.
Regardless - NCSWIC! (we're on the same side here after all, fren)