This is not the enemy, flesh and blood has been deceived! What a class act dad.
I wish I knew who he was, I'd give him a copy of John MacArthur's Safe In The Arms Of God, which would answer his question in the affirmative scripturally. More Power To Kristen Hawkins for giving the right answer, rather than pussy-footing around, as well. I find it fascinating that the pro-life movement is lead by women like Kristin Hawkins, Lila Rose, Abby Johnson, Alveda King, Penny Nance, Serrin Foster (Of Feminists for Life!) and others while the pro-abortion crowd pretends they are the champions of women.
This is not the enemy, flesh and blood has been deceived! What a class act dad.
I wish I knew who he was, I'd give him a copy of John MacArthur's Safe In The Arms Of God, which would answer his question in the affirmative scripturally. More Power To Kristen Hawkins for giving the right answer, rather than pussy-footing around, as well. I find it fascinating that the pro-life movement is lead by women like Kristin Hawkins, Lila Rose, Abby Johnson, Alveda King, Penny Nance, Serrin Foster (Of Feminists for Life!) and others while the pro-abortion crowd pretends they are the champions of women.