a republic is still a republic. democracy is still democracy. (the former has always been superior, and still is)
conservativism and liberalism now refer to the size and freedom of the government, instead of meaning traditionalism and personal liberty/libertarianism.
progressive still means progressive, but its left a very bad taste in everybody's mouth, due to the direction the demons were encouraging us to progress towards.
personally i find these definitions very clear. imo this is a natural and helpful evolution of language, more than a product of woke manipulation.
a republic is still a republic. democracy is still democracy. (the former has always been superior, and still is)
conservativism and liberalism now refer to the size and freedom of the government, instead of meaning traditionalism and personal liberty/libertarianism.
progressive still means progressive, but its left a very bad taste in everybody's mouth, due to the direction the demons were encouraging us to progress towards.
personally i find these definitions very clear. imo this is a natural and helpful evolution of language, more than a product of woke manipulation.