THE SINGLE REASON the Pope/Vatican has destroyed the German nation and people at least 3 times (so far): "First Principles of The Reformation OR The Ninety-Five Theses and the Three Primary Works of Dr. Martin Luther [1517], translated into English" (1885, 352 PDF pages)
Cabal History

How has any pope “destroyed” Germany even once?
At least half of Germany (southern half) is Catholic.
The “primary sources” here are actually anti-Catholic bigots.
Study the Church fathers and early Christian writers and it is very clear they all held Catholic beliefs.
Popes of WW1 & WW2 eras directly and through their Jesuits appeared to be heavily involved in the Weimar Germany to Nazi Germany transitions that resulted in 2 of the destructions. It was Jesuit-handled Dulles brothers and their banker friends that intentionally crippled Germany post WW1, setting up all events after.
Obviously, not all of the Popes since 1490s have been satanic as there appears to be constant battle over the Papacy and control of their agents as well. Generally, satanists PRETENDING to be Catholic have never forgiven ML for busting up their monopolistic spiritual control racket and encouraging individuals to read the source material themselves, rather than “listening to the self-appointed experts”.
You’ve come across some historical misinformation — the above is intended to portray Catholics and the papacy, and the wartime popes specifically in a bad light.
The reality is:
It is not monolithic. There are at least two factions at any given time fighting for control of the Papacy.
One of the Papal factions used their vast land holdings and transportation networks controlled in S. America to help move Hitler and many Nazi leaders to Argentina. Pretty sure that was not the “good guys”, but is hard to figure out who the real Baddies are, probably intentionally.
No intent to portray anything about Catholics, only satanists pretending to be Catholic which they are clearly NOT for the 1 early Pope mentioned, 1 of the Popes during WW2 period, and probably the current Pope.
Admittedly, I may be biased in favor of Protestant outlook, but I have nothing against Catholics or the Pope as long as they are not fraudulently claiming ownership over the entire plant and usurping national and individual sovereignty in violation of natural LAW (which appears to be the satanist agenda).
Popes dying or leaving under mysterious circumstances usually indicates they were murdered to make room for satanist pope. This has happened in all three time periods above.