I prefer actionable things and not just meme reposts. But way to spit on someone just sharing their own personal thoughts. Guess I am not welcome to comment?
Wait, not at all, in fact quite the opposite. I'm glad you weighed in on the topic and I was not intending to criticize the fact that you spoke or anything, but, all things considered, one does wonder what someone's threshold for proof of the Q counterinsurgency operation has to be. So, I will ask you directly. If Trump reposting something like a dozen direct Q memes doesn't cross your threshold, what does??
Someone needs a 1000 IQ to discern that a dozen memes with direct Q psyop references in them are related to the Q psyop? I personally have an IQ of 65 (ask anyone here, KEK) and I know this, I hardly feel like I'm using magical IQ powers to discern this. But... cool, I guess
I liked your comment, and I highly doubt you're not welcome to comment. Food for thought: putting out a meme is an action. You expressed yourself through your comment, others Express themself through memes, all of it working towards, the one same end.
I prefer actionable things and not just meme reposts. But way to spit on someone just sharing their own personal thoughts. Guess I am not welcome to comment?
Some people get more frustrated with some things than others.
100% on the actionable things.
Wait, not at all, in fact quite the opposite. I'm glad you weighed in on the topic and I was not intending to criticize the fact that you spoke or anything, but, all things considered, one does wonder what someone's threshold for proof of the Q counterinsurgency operation has to be. So, I will ask you directly. If Trump reposting something like a dozen direct Q memes doesn't cross your threshold, what does??
We're looking for something tangible like actual arrests of high level conspirators that nobody can dispute.
Not rumors and hearsay or hints that require 1000 level IQ to discern.
Someone needs a 1000 IQ to discern that a dozen memes with direct Q psyop references in them are related to the Q psyop? I personally have an IQ of 65 (ask anyone here, KEK) and I know this, I hardly feel like I'm using magical IQ powers to discern this. But... cool, I guess
I liked your comment, and I highly doubt you're not welcome to comment. Food for thought: putting out a meme is an action. You expressed yourself through your comment, others Express themself through memes, all of it working towards, the one same end.