I like Bongino, but I still get the feeling sometimes that he is a top level tiered gate keeper. I have listened to quite a few of his podcasts since the assassination attempt. He raises his fist and pounds the table about all of the things the SS did, but ultimately blames it on their incompetency. He never mentions or alludes to the SS being complicit with the assassination attempt.
It was SS that pressured three doctors at Parkland hospital in Dallas to change their medical opinions. Two stated the back of JFKs head were exit wounds and the third Doctor stated he saw a small entry wound in JFKs throat. Someone shot from the front and their goes the Govts narrative.
I am with ya that he’s a gate keeper, but it’s for the wh’s. He lets enough out to make people think and do research to find out and do the “ohh fuck” msm is changing the narrative or running with their own narrative. I feel like I am preaching for him, my bad, I agree with ya to an extent and think he’ll benefit our cause in the end
Yeah, I have thought about that. He isn’t an anonymous poster that can speculate all over the place. He has to be careful what he says. He can lead us to water but we have to drink on our own. Just when I listen to him, I want him so bad to say what I think.
I like Bongino, but I still get the feeling sometimes that he is a top level tiered gate keeper. I have listened to quite a few of his podcasts since the assassination attempt. He raises his fist and pounds the table about all of the things the SS did, but ultimately blames it on their incompetency. He never mentions or alludes to the SS being complicit with the assassination attempt.
It was SS that pressured three doctors at Parkland hospital in Dallas to change their medical opinions. Two stated the back of JFKs head were exit wounds and the third Doctor stated he saw a small entry wound in JFKs throat. Someone shot from the front and their goes the Govts narrative.
The one Doctor stood still by his claim later.
I am with ya that he’s a gate keeper, but it’s for the wh’s. He lets enough out to make people think and do research to find out and do the “ohh fuck” msm is changing the narrative or running with their own narrative. I feel like I am preaching for him, my bad, I agree with ya to an extent and think he’ll benefit our cause in the end
Yeah, I have thought about that. He isn’t an anonymous poster that can speculate all over the place. He has to be careful what he says. He can lead us to water but we have to drink on our own. Just when I listen to him, I want him so bad to say what I think.