I have a suspicion she will say she's going to do it, and at the last minute bail out for some "catastrophe".
She wants people to keep thinking she has the balls to debate Trump for as long as possible. She is quite stupid, but smart enough to know she'll be a dork debating him.
I have a suspicion she will say she's going to do it, and at the last minute bail out for some "catastrophe".
She wants people to keep thinking she has the balls to debate Trump for as long as possible. She is quite stupid, but smart enough to know she'll be a dork debating him.
She'll come down with Covid and a pre-recorded tape will be played as her answering questions "live".
I was about to say that. You beat me to it.
Either that or she will debate him and they will replace her.
They better use a better "double" than this one: No white in the eyes and different teeth: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.WgAnfxI_xsabYlxUk8DqkAHaG-&pid=Api
Wonky mask: https://data.ibtimes.sg/en/full/65287/kamala-harris-skin.jpg
This is what to expect: https://x.com/GuntherEagleman/status/1829206521831719264
The dog is very confused. LOL
🐶 https://i.imgflip.com/1yicu3.jpg