This is a perfect example as to why the debt should be set to zero and start over from scratch.
Bloated budgets, endless printing, much of it paying for our own demise. I do not wish to pay for endless migration and my own demise.
$150 billion equates to $500 for every man, woman and child.
$150 billion equates to $1,100 for every tax payer.
The price tag here is for one issue, for one year, imagine the price of every nefarious deed over the last 100 years.
The people who control the Federal Reserve and print the money, also bring us the wars, pandemics, stolen elections and inflation, ect, ect, ect. The same people pushing a One World Order. Globalists.
This is a perfect example as to why the debt should be set to zero and start over from scratch.
Bloated budgets, endless printing, much of it paying for our own demise. I do not wish to pay for endless migration and my own demise.
$150 billion equates to $500 for every man, woman and child.
$150 billion equates to $1,100 for every tax payer.
The price tag here is for one issue, for one year, imagine the price of every nefarious deed over the last 100 years.
The people who control the Federal Reserve and print the money, also bring us the wars, pandemics, stolen elections and inflation, ect, ect, ect. The same people pushing a One World Order. Globalists.
Take your debt, shove it up your anus and GTFO.
Fraud vitiates everything.