posted ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve ago by aslan_is_0n_the_m0ve +24 / -1

WHO-UNICEF Vaccination Campaign in Gaza: Polio Eradication or Transition to Bio-Warfare? Mike Whitney

So, the UN is unable to distribute humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, but they are charging ahead with a mass vaccination campaign?

Doesn’t that sound a bit strange? Keep in mind, the Israelis have been preventing food, water and medicine from entering Gaza for months which has led to mass starvation and a sharp uptick in preventable diseases. But now we are expected to believe that they care about the physical well-being of the people they have been bombing to smithereens for the last 10 months?

https://www.globalresearch.ca/vaccination-campaign-gaza/5866330 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-hamas-three-day-pauses-gaza-polio-vaccinations-rcna168842

Israel, Hamas agree to zoned three-day pauses for Gaza polio vaccinations, WHO says

The pauses in fighting would allow vaccinating some 640,000 children against polio.

Aug. 29, 2024, 6:27 AM GMT-11 / Source: Reuters

By Reuters

Polio vaccines went wrong since 1955
