I can't gelp but laugh. They use this excuse a lot to seemingly get out of responsibility. Using it as a crutch to avoid embarrassing themselves further. Cowards and snakes.
Come on! Sheeples and Dems still have Covid tests? They still use them? Why do they use them and what is the criteria for testing? Seeing a person you don’t know?
Stupid people doing stupidity!
Sure she did. Covid is now an excuse for everything.
Awww, poor thing. Time for another series of boosters.
She just can't stomach the SF hoe sitting on her throne.
Lol so true !
The true story is that her butt got too big to get through doors.
I can't gelp but laugh. They use this excuse a lot to seemingly get out of responsibility. Using it as a crutch to avoid embarrassing themselves further. Cowards and snakes.
Come on! Sheeples and Dems still have Covid tests? They still use them? Why do they use them and what is the criteria for testing? Seeing a person you don’t know? Stupid people doing stupidity!
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. With the uptick in cold and flu season, many are still testing.
Wait, but I thought they said if you take the shot, you won't get covid...lol.
I know a handful of people who all had "covid" recently because....the test said positive..haha.
Also funny tidbit is all 5 of these people are up to date with shots and boosters. Yet somehow they still get covid.
Another funny tidbit, all 5 vote straight ticket for democrats. They are probably the ONLY people I know that are still openly democrats.
I wish that I was a fly on Hillary’s wall, she has to be bat as crazy over Harris, so funny slow death