For flagrant violation of the makeup and cosmetics budget. No wait.....that's the Chicago mayor. Hard to keep them straight. Oops.....that's ray sis......
210 PPM North of Boise. Official Air Quality Rating: F'g Nasty
I've seen the same vid and still pic on every story. Dudes in a hallway with a red and white door. More varied photos would help substantiate the story. Are there more photos?
Wouldn't it be easier if she just went to India?
No matter what happens with DeBlovio, keep the obvious in mind. He is a complete idiot.
Brawling with the local population while on shore leave used to be frowned on in the US Navy. It can never help anything.
Why is everyone so convinced the bad guys are from Venezuela? Did they show ID?
His office sign says "Where the probes are always warm."
Don't you dare drop out Tim. Stick with it. You owe it to.....somebody.
Good point. Most people never get past the headline.
They need to work in the Covid angle. No, Monkeepox. No, Mpox I mean. Here's the pitch: Russia weaponizes Dis-information PLUS Mpox. Perfect. Go with it.
I wish I could claim this line. That's Robert Reich's old desk.
Outstanding. TU.
Good points. With all the buzz he's generating, it's a mute point now. I think he's going to help Trump a lot. Trump/Kennedy/TheOtherGuy
No mention of Prez Jo. Interesting.
Price drops would be varied and erratic. The main benefit is that your $$ would retain their value.
Are illegal immigrants a "minority community"? They are UNVAXXXT. Then again, it makes no sense to VAXXX the replacements.
Urite. How about "mentally challenged."
They passed a children's playground, got distracted, and drove into some parked cars.
Very limited market. It's down to retarded people that survived the first VAXXX.
That's Hunter's plane now. Maduro owed him.
It's Hunter's plane now.
Rule One for all profit making organizations: "Unless you are in the business of politics, avoid all politics in your business."
He died like he lived, obeying the TV.