Ok so I’m on the late end of the boomers. Born in 60 had a great life growing up freedom, out all day playing ball or riding bikes until the street lights came on. Always had great beef from local ranchers or something in the freezer from hunting and fishing trips. In school I was taught the trades, wood, metal and drafting classes were taught that I still use to this day. At school could grab ass and be flirty with the girls and not be admonished for it. School fights came with fists not guns and knives. Oh how I wish we could go back to those days. Wishful thinking I guess.
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I remember that Phys Ed aka 'P.E.' was mandatory every day 5-days-per-week from K - 12. You learned every sport, had after school intramural sports and all the guys could muster a least a dozen decent pull ups and push ups. We had to run a mile every Friday. Walked to school and back.
Guys lifted weights after school to show off for the girls. Everybody played outside a lot. We drank water out of the garden hose at the nearest house.
Enjoyed getting a tan. Hardly watched TV, (3 channels, not much on) spent time outside, riding bikes, hanging with friends and laying on our backs in the grass and looking at the clouds contemplating our place in the universe.