posted ago by ObviousStatementMan ago by ObviousStatementMan +53 / -0

Is the news reporting ANYTHING as a "happening"...?


But if you can see through their fog of war, you realize that we are winning more and more by the day.

Just think about this at the 30,017 ft view:

4 Years of Trump = Constant mud-slinging and weaponized lawfare, yet, he's still arguably the most effective POTUS in our lifetimes

4 Years of Biden = Perpetual support of the media, DC and the global elite... yet managed to accomplish nothing other than record inflation/debt... with total support from the corrupt power mongers, he managed to do absolutely nothing. And now his VP is running for POTUS? LOL... the VP who couldn't primary out of single digits and has the lowest approval rating of any VP in history?!

Now... fill in the blanks with Trump dropping Q references on the regular, involvement of RFK, predicted failures bubbling to the surface... Elon Musk/X, the fake polls, their failed attempts to reignite Monkey Pox and COVID?! Legal cases cracking under the pressure of election fraud lawsuits. Pubic opinion swaying. Total lack in faith/viewership of the media.

Just because there's not earth shattering headlines (likely involving self admission of guilt) from the MSM, doesn't mean nothing is happening. They simply aren't forced to admit it yet.

We are winning so hard it's ridiculous.


For the OG Anons

Nothing has changed. The plan is unfolding precisely as intended. To maximize effectiveness and* plausible deniability from all parties - it needs to seem 100% organic. It redefines the word genius. And most certainly involves at least* incredibly advanced AI and/or the use of quantum mechanics to literally remote view other timelines/outcomes... long shot POV: Or we're in a simulation and this is a final test/reboot/Renaissance of this "level".

Whatever is happening is clearly not happenstance. And it say "Nothing is happening" is beyond idiotic at this point in time. On the surface the Deep State has/had all of the power and influence.

But this is clearly not the case, as Trump is living rent-free in everyone's head 24-7 and all of the REAL momentum is behind Trump/Anons/MAGA.

We are part of an absolute masterclass in mass communication psychology. When Q is studied, it will not only redfine 5GW... Q will immediately set the benchmark for 6GW.
