GTFOOH - White trash shouldn't have worn that shirt in public. HE'S WRONG. I see this sort of crap in every airport across the country - trash finally gets coin to fly and they wear some ridiculous outfit like a dbag.
Not long ago, you couldn't even sit in first class unless you had a suit jacket on. Now we've got dillrods like this or grown ass men wearing pajamas on flights... REAL CLASSY!
The first amendment unfortunately doesn't do anything to protect all of us from stupidity.
Would you wear that shirt to your grandma's birthday party? How about church? A kid's graduation? Why not?
Stop with the outrage and pearl clutching. We're all stocked up on trash doing stupid shit and then crying about injustice.
GTFOOH - White trash shouldn't have worn that shirt in public. HE'S WRONG. I see this sort of crap in every airport across the country - trash finally gets coin to fly and they wear some ridiculous outfit like a dbag.
Not long ago, you couldn't even sit in first class unless you had a suit jacket on. Now we've got dillrods like this or grown ass men wearing pajamas on flights... REAL CLASSY!
The first amendment unfortunately doesn't do anything to protect all of us from stupidity.
Would you wear that shirt to your grandma's birthday party? How about church? A kid's graduation? Why not?
Stop with the outrage and pearl clutching. We're all stocked up on trash doing stupid shit and then crying about injustice.
Gotta agree with this. Using wisdom and class should be a MAGA thing.
The commie fag club just started up right over there ——>