The good news (from another Steve Kirsch column) is that Kansas has now filed suit against Pfizer for misrepresentation; four other US states are in the process of doing so.
Now back to the NZ jab data:
The NZ data, when analyzed using a gold-standard methodology used by the UK government, clearly shows that the vaccines are increasing all-cause mortality in those who were vaccinated. It’s no more complicated than this:
- when seasonal mortality is strongly declining, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing.
- when seasonal mortality is strongly increasing, the mortality of the vaccinated is increasing even more.
In short, if you chose to get vaccinated, your mortality increased. The mortality increase happened every time you got a shot. It’s crystal clear.
I’ve looked at other time series data for other vaccines and you simply don’t see this effect so it isn’t an artifact of vaccination (the Healthy Vaccinee effect).
We see the same effect in other countries after a shot is given. Your risk of death increases. Every time. Every country. Every dose. Every season.
The world’s epidemiologists are silent.
None are calling for data transparency.
None have published any written work claiming the New Zealand data proves the vaccines are safe. Is that how science works nowadays? You ignore data you don’t like?
This is a good point! Keep pushing the truth out there even though we grow weary of dealing with it! WE KNOW THIS already so it’s easy to just
Forge about it a focus on something else.
I can’t forget we are in a WAR.